I will go to church this morning. I don't know what we will do for lunch afterward. When I get home though, I am going to do some cleaning and also do my letters. Tonight I guess I will just watch TV.
I was depressed last night. I don't know why. Maybe it was the movies I watched on TV. Ghost, Phenomenon, and Forrest Gump. All three were depressing and people died in them. That probably was not too healthy.
Jeff and Cyndi and I met for breakfast at 9:30. I saw Keith Buchele, an old friend from my youth and we visited briefly. He had been over to Springfield with his son recuperating from a bad case of shingles. Then he discovered he had a detached retina and needs surgery on it. When he gets back to his home here, he will call me. Keith will be someone to be friends with. He lost his long time friend, Gerry, about the same time I lost Bob. She had been in a nursing home over at Sedan. She had Alzheimer's Disease.
Then Jeff and Cyndi and I got our booth all ready to go for Wednesday. It looks nice. I will price stuff as I put it out on Wednesday. I will take a bottle of Windex and shine stuff up some as I put it out.
Cyndi and Jeff came over and picked up some more lumber after we finished. Cyndi discovered that Inky is a male cat. I really don't want Inky but I have him because I fed him when he was starving. Missy is a female cat and she is a hand full. And then, of course, there is Slinky. I did not take him for his walk yesterday and I did not go visit my sister in the hospital either. I was awfully tired after we finished the booth.
It will be a busy week. I will change both beds and launder the sheets and towels on Monday. And I also need to see my sister and Gerry H. They are both still in the hospital. Elnora has decided to come on Thursday. I have Ministerial Alliance on Thursday so she will come in the afternoon. Bob Harper's memorial service is next Sunday and she wants to attend.