I had planned to go either to Coffeyville for the Dalton Defenders celebration of stay here for Caney's celebration but it is supposed to rain both places so I may just stay in. I'm not supposed to get the right foot big nail area wet. I had planned to go downtown before noon and have one of Joyce's milk shakes but since I had a blizzard on Thursday, I may forego that this week.
It may be a dull day with all the rain that is forecast.
More later....
It rained hard for awhile and then stopped. I went up to Gabby's (Joyce) and bought a ham and cheese sandwich with chips and a pickle. I had a root beer with it. That cost me $3.00. I may go back later before 2:30PM and have a milk shake....another $3.00 and they give you the can it's mixed up in for a bonus. Then I went across the street to see how Karen was coming along with getting her store ready for the auction next week.
I forgot to pick up my mail. I'd better go get it before it begins to rain again.
I had a newspaper and a Catalog..that's all. I will read the paper and then do the crossword puzzle before I take the Reporter to Nancy.
I went out front and trimmed my hedge again. It seems like every month I have to trim it to keep it neat looking. But I bought a mum plant at Coffeyville on Wednesday. It looks pretty good. I put it out front where I had that petunia pot all spring.

Here is the mum plant.
I watched a couple of TV shows and then ate an ice cream bar. I usually don't eat much for dinner. I may make up some yogurt smoothie. Nancy gave me some more blueberries.
It's only 5:00PM now and there's nothing on TV but football games. I watched a program I had recorded and another "Murder She Wrote" episode.
At 7:00PM, I will take my bath and try to stay up until 9:00PM before going to bed.
Perhaps more later...
I took my bath at 7:00PM as usual and afterward, I watched the Ohio State/ Michigan State football game. I was just getting ready to go to bed after the game and my next door neighbor kids came over with a problem. They had been to the Tulsa State Fair and had locked themselves out of their apartment and the key was in the house and the garage door opener was in her car which was locked in the garage. So they were locked out. They wondered if my garage door opener would open their garage door but I told them that each door opener was programed differently. I called Suzanne and asked her to come back into town to open their door. I hated to do that but that was the only thing left to do. Suzanne came right in and brought them the extra garage door opener so they could get in.
When they left, I went on to bed. It was nearly 11:00PM by then.