More later...
I finally heard from him.
He wanted to just stay home and stay in so I just fixed my usual bowl of oatmeal. and had my cranberry grape juice and coffee and Chai Latte.
I have been watching the news and reading. Now I am listening to Kenny Rogers music on Alexa. I am bored and would like to go to Joplin or Owasso to eat lunch at Olive Garden but with a sprinkling of snow on the ground I probably won't. Besides I will eating out in Independence, Missouri, at Ophelias tomorrow. That will be expensive. It's only 9:15 now. It will be a long boring day.
I should work on my files in my file cabinet. I have shredded some of them but that's been a couple of weeks ago.
More later...
I shredded some more of the old files in my file cabinet. I still could do a lot more but at least I have made some progress. It's nearly 11:00 now and I should decide what I will have for lunch. I will eat in another 45 minutes or so. I had a frozen pot pie yesterday but I have plenty of different frozen meals to choose from.
More later...

This is our church's congregational home at Crossroads Community of Christ.
The Mission Center President just called our pastor to say tomorrow's worship service for our mission center has been cancelled in Independence, Missouri. The forecast there is for freezing rain, sleet and snow tomorrow. So we are making plans to have our services locally after all. Leslie and Melissa will be in charge.
This is the sanctuary with the new carpet and chairs.

I looked for another movie for tonight but couldn't find anything I thought would be interesting. I want to see the movie "Camelot" again but all they have available at Amazon is the stage show. I want to see the movie.
I ended up watching African Queen" with Humphrey Bogart. It was old but still entertaining. I took my shower before putting it on and put my PJs on so Missy and I would be able to go straight to bed at 9:00 when the movie was over..