Saturday, December 23, 2023

Saturday and More Reading

I slept pretty well last night but was up early at 4:30AM  I made my bed, dressed and got myself ready for the day. When I opened the front door, no cats were out there but as soon as I put out the cat food, the little grey cat came to eat. I didn't see Blondie yet. But I did get "the weather on the 8's".

Here is the next week's forecast. Saturday (today) is to be 64 degrees and AM fog and PM cloudy, Sunday is to be 60 degrees and rain, Monday is to be 43 degrees and cloudy, Tuesday is to be 44 degrees and mostly cloudy, Wednesday is to be 45 degrees and mostly cloudy, Thursday is to be 43 degrees and partly cloudy, and Friday is to be 41 degrees and partly cloudy. Sunday is the only day rain is forecast.

More Later... 

Later Blondie came to eat and I set some food out for him too.

I went to Independence and bought some food in little trays for Sunday night's gift opening. Leslie and Jeromy and Chi and I will be here. John  probably will not. He is having terrible problems with his feet.

I am going down to Copan and have lunch...some of their beef vegetable soup. Perhaps some pie too.

More Later....I finished that first book. I will take it back to the library book drop later.

Friday, December 22, 2023

Friday and a Trip to the LIbrary

I slept fairly well last night but as usual, I was up early. I opened the door early too and there was Blondie waiting for his breakfast. I took it out to him and he  ate hungrily.  When he finished, he left.  I closed the door because it was cold out there. I fixed my Chai Latte and my breakfast bar and started another cup of Chai Latte.

I got up in the night and checked out the back door. It was as I thought, It was raining. That's why Blondie was huddled by the front door... out of the rain.

Then I turned on the TV and soon I had "the weather on the 8's".

Today is to be 60 degrees and cloudy, tomorrow is to be 66 and cloudy, Sunday is to be 61 degrees and rain, Monday is to be 41 degrees and AM showers,  Tuesday is to be 42 degrees and partly cloudy, and Wednesday is to be 45 degrees and partly cloudy . So a couple of days of rain next week ...Sunday and Monday. That's better then nothing!

More Later... I want to go to the library this morning to get another couple of books. Then I will drop by the post office and drop a couple of letters in the drop box there.

And I did that as well as reading the rest of the afternoon until bath time. I took my bath at 7:00PM . read until 9:00PM and then went to bed.

Thursday, December 21, 2023

Thursday and More Reading

 I slept fairly well last night. I was up once in the night. Then I got back to sleep and later got up around 5:00AM and turned on the TV to find Blondie out there waiting for his breakfast. I took both bowls out to him and he ate from both of them. So far, none of the other cats have come. of course it's only 5:24AM. 

I have the other book to finish reading and then will take it up to the book drop and later get a couple more books. 

I did catch "the weather on the 8's" .

Today is to be 59 degrees and cloudy, tomorrow is to be 62 degrees and cloudy, Saturday is to be 66 degrees and cloudy, Sunday is to be 61 degrees and rain, Monday is to be 49 degrees and AM rain,  Tuesday is to be 46  degrees and mostly cloudy, Wednesday is to be 49 degrees and partly cloudy.

That's the week..two days of rain!   Sunday and Monday...We need all we can get!

More Later... 

The little grey cat finally came and ate and when he/she left, the white one came.

I finished the second book  and will get a couple more when I get back from lunch.

I called Sally and asked her to go with me to the Dairy Queen in Independence for lunch. She was happy to go. I will pick her up at noon.

We did go to the Dairy Queen and had our usual $7.00 special,. chicken strips and french fries and a drink and a hot fudge sundae. We always enjoy eating there once a week.

 More Later...

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Wednesday and Hair Day

I slept fairly well last night but was up an hour earlier then usual. I dressed, made my bed and got myself ready for the day. I am eating my breakfast bar and drinking my Chai Latte now. I haven't even turned on the TV yet to see the weather forecast for the week and check on the cats.

I will do that now. 

I finally caught "the weather on the 8's" 

Today is to be 59 degrees and cloudy, tomorrow is to be 61 degrees and cloudy, Friday is to be 60 degrees and AM showers,  Saturday is to be 65 degrees and PM showers, Sunday is to be 63 degrees and thunderstorms, Monday is to be 53 degrees and AM clouds PM sun. Tuesday is to be 47 degrees and mostly cloudy. Two days of rain in the forecast. Friday and Saturday. Any rain we can get is welcome.

I still have not seen any cats. Their food is out there but they are not...yet.

More Later..

They finally came and ate. At least Blondie did. and when I got back from Coffeyville the little white cat was out there eating and the bowls were nearly empty,.

I went pay my car insurance and the rate had gone from $333,63 to  $377,40 a half...another huge raise. $43.77 a half higher. I am going to start paying it by the month. at $71.00 and some change every month .

More Later.. 

I took my bath at 7:00PM and then afterward went back to my other book. It's almost 8:00PM now and since I was up so early, I may go on to bed. I will take my Melatonin. That may help me sleep.

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Tuesday and Reading

 I was up fairly early this morning, made my bed and dressed and got myself ready for the day.

When I opened the front door, I found both yellow cats waiting for their breakfast and also the grey cat. So I put enough food out there for all three.

I fixed myself some Chai Latte.and a breakfast bar. I brought mine back here to the den to eat and drink while I blog.

I also caught "the weather on the 8's"

Today is to be 53 degrees and partly cloudy, tomorrow is to be 58 degrees and cloudy, Thursday is to be 60 degrees and PM showers, Friday is to be 61 degrees and showers, Saturday is to be 64 degrees and few showers. Sunday is to be 64 degrees and scattered thunderstorms, and Monday is to be 57 degrees and mostly cloudy. So two days of rain in the forecast. Thursday and Friday. That's better then none.

I finished the first book this morning and it's 8:35AM and 26 degrees outside. Both yellow cats and the grey one have eaten and are gone now.,..  

I am going to take my walk this morning even though it's cold. I will wear my gloves and my jacket.

The little white cat is out there eating now. 

I took my mile walk this morning and wore my gloves and jacket. I should have worn my ear muffs too. It was very cold at least 40 degrees and windy, I picked up a big sack of trash and put it in my dumpster when I got back home.

I need to go over to Dollar General and get some more wet cat food. I believe I am out again. feeding four or five ferrel cats tends to do that. 

I also bought some pecans for my dessert Sunday night. I plan to bake some Apple Brown Betty. It's been years since I have made it and I hope it will turn out o.k. That's what I intend to serve at the gift exchange here next Sunday evening, I will buy some vanilla ice cream to put on it.

I called Sally and asked her to go to lunch with me at Copan Truck Stop. I picked her up at noon and we went there and had their beef vegetable soup first and then we split a piece of German Chocolate pie. As usual, it was delicious.

I texted my son in law, John. He is feeling better now that he is home from the hospital. But he will need to be careful for quite awhile and not try to go back to his usual routine too soon. We were all very concerned about him. Still are!

He is expecting to get a wound vac tomorrow. It will draw stuff out of the wound and help it heal quicker.

More Even Later.. 

I read in my second book until bedtime. First I took my bath at 7:00PM and then I read and went to bed at my usual 9:00PM.

Monday, December 18, 2023

Monday and Laundry

 I slept pretty well last night and was up at 5:00AM, made my bed, dressed and got myself ready for the day. When I first opened the door, there were no cats out front. So I went ahead and sat the cat food out there and soon the little white cat came and ate and left. Then Blondie showed up and began eating. I didn't see him all day yesterday. I was afraid he was hit by a car or something. But I was glad to finally see him out there eating again.

I also caught "the weather on the 8's".

Today is to be 47 degrees and sunny, tomorrow is to be  54 degrees and partly cloudy, Wednesday is to be 57 degrees and cloudy, Thursday is to be 62 degrees and PM showers, Friday is to be 60 degrees and showers, Saturday is to be 61 degrees and showers, and Sunday is to be 62 degrees and showers. We are finally getting some much needed rain this week!  That's four days of it in the forecast!

I will do some laundry today. I am out of underwear so I need to do laundry and wash my towels too.

More Later...  

Now Blondie has eaten and left and the little grey cat is out there eating now.

I have started my laundry. Mostly underwear and towels.

Even More Later....


Sunday, December 17, 2023

Sunday and Christmas Dinner at Church

I got up close to 5:00AM. I was awake off and on all night, For some reason  I just couldn't stay asleep. Finally I just got up and made my bed and dressed and got myself ready for the day. I checked the front door but no cats were out there that early. I did catch "the weather on the 8's" though.

Today is to be 59 degrees and partly cloudy. Tomorrow is to be 47 degrees and sunny, Tuesday is to be 52 degrees and partly cloudy, Wednesday is to be 60 degrees and mostly cloudy, Thursday is to be 61 degrees and PM showers, Friday is to be 61 degrees and Saturday is to be 62 degrees and showers. So two days of rain. That's wonderful! We need all we can get!

I fixed my Chai Latte and a breakfast bar for my breakfast. Soon I will go check on the cats again  It's 28 degrees this morning and clear.  

More Later... 

I went into Coffeyville to get some money for the week at my bank. Unfortunately the bank ATM machine was broken again and I had to go to the police station to use their ATM machine. That worked. Then I went out to the Woodshed at South Coffeyville and filled my car gas tank with gas.

We had a great service at church and a great meal afterward. I brought my cookies home... the ones I had taken out to Leslie's. She brought the ones that were left of mine to the church this morning... those that were left from her cookie exchange yesterday. I will make up a box for Stephen and Dee Anna, my landlords. They may share them with their grandchildren. The grandchildren attend Caney schools.

More Later... It's shortly after 7:00PM and I have just had my bath and put my pajamas on and just finished my second book. I will return both of them to the Caney Library tomorrow and get two more checked out.

I will watch 60 Minutes now and then go on to bed afterwards. 

The only cats I saw today was the little grey one and the white one. I saw neither of the yellow cats. I hope they are alright. It's 7:23PM and 45 degrees now and clear outside.