Saturday, June 29, 2024

Saturday and Rain

 I slept well last night and found six cats outside the front door this morning. I fed them all and they have mostly left now. It is raining some.

I had my breakfast bar and Chai Latte too already this morning.  I also caught "the weather on the 8's".  Here it is!

Today is to be 96 degrees and scattered thunderstorms, Sunday is to be 83 degrees and AM showers, (it is raining some now too) Monday is to be 94 degrees and partly cloudy, Tuesday is to be 9 degrees and sunny, Wednesday is to be  97 degrees and PM Thunderstorms, Thursday is to be 96 degrees and isolated Thunderstorms, Friday is to be 89 degrees and scattered thunderstorms. That's the week! Five days of rain! We can use it.

More Later... 

I went up to Eggbert's for breakfast and then on to Coffeyville to take one of the Coffeyville library books back to their book drop. Then I washed my car at CJ's car wash, and dropped my grocery sacks off at Genesis.

Then I came back home and read all afternoon.  Its 3:34PM now. 

More Even Later...

Friday, June 28, 2024

Friday and Another Good Night's Sleep

I was up at 5:00AM this morning and made my bed, dressed and got myself ready for the day. I had a cup of Chai Latte before opening the door to see how many cats were out there for their breakfast, There were six counting the three black kittens. I took all the bowls out there with both kinds of cat food and they all ate heartily. I have had my breakfast bar and caught "the weather on the 8's" .

Here is what I found. 

Today is to be 96 degrees and AM thunderstorms, Saturday is to be 96 degrees and partly cloudy, Sunday is to be 87 degrees and AM thunderstorms, Monday is to be 96 degrees and partly cloudy, Tuesday is to be 101 degrees and mostly sunny, Wednesday is to be 93 degrees and partly cloudy and Thursday is to be 93 degrees and scattered thunderstorms. That's the week! Three days of thunderstorms and lots of hot weather.

I will go check on the cats again now.

Later this morning I will go back out to Dollar General and buy two more small cat dishes.

More Later..

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Thursday and a Better NIght's Sleep

 I slept much better last night and was up at 4:30 AM, dressed and made my bed and got myself ready for the day.

When I opened the front door three cats were out there, Blue and two black kittens. I took their food out to them through the garage and they are eating now.

I also caught "the weather on the 8's" and here it is. Today is to be 90 degrees and partly cloudy, Friday is to be 96 degrees and partly cloudy and windy, Saturday is to be 93 degrees and partly cloudy, Sunday is to be 86 degrees and scattered thunderstorms, and Monday is to  be 94 degrees and isolated thunderstorms. Tuesday is to be 101 degrees and sunny, and Wednesday is to be 97 degrees and partly cloudy. That's the week! A couple of days of thunderstorms.

More Later. I had better go check on the cats. 

I checked on the cats and they came back several times to eat more during the day. In fact they came back this evening for even more for a supper. I went to Dollar General earlier for more Meow Mix and even some more wet cat food.

I took my bath this evening at 7:00PM. The weather is still very warm. The computer says it is 90 degrees in here in the den...and sunny... or maybe that is an outside temperature. Who knows? I will read some more until I can get sleepy. I like to go to bed at 9:00PM.

I do not want to watch the first of the presidential debates.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Wednesday and a Thunderstorm

I woke up in the night to the sound of a thunderstorm...first thunder and later a little hail and rain. I turned on the TV to check it out. I kept the sound low so to not disturb my landlord and his wife.

No cats were out and the rain was light.  I watched the weather on the TV until I booted up my computer.

I have a hair appointment in Coffeyville this morning at 9:00AM. I will see what the weather is like at 8:00AM or so.  We also have game day at 1:00PM at the senior center. That also depends on the weather.

I did catch the weather report and here it is. Today is to be 96 degrees and mostly sunny, Tomorrow is to be 91 degrees partly cloudy, Friday is to be 100 degrees and partly cloudy,   Saturday is to be 93 degrees and scattered thunderstorms, Sunday is to be 90 degrees and AM thunderstorms, Monday is to be 96 degrees and partly cloudy, and Tuesday is to be 103 degrees and sunny. That's the week. No rain in the next week's forecast...just lots of hot weather.

More Later... 

About 8:00AM after the storm was nearly over, I went to Coffeyville and had my hair done. Then I went to the Coffeyville library and checked out a couple of books to read after I had my hair done and was waiting to go to the senior center and read and later attend game day. After game day, I came on back home but first I took one of the books back to the Coffeyville library. It was the one I had been reading at home and from the Caney library. After game day I took it back to the Coffeyville library and put it in the book drop there.

Then I came back home and read some in the living room. At 7:00PM, after I watched the news and I took my bath. It's 7:41PM now and I am thinking of going on to bed. I am hoping the weather cools off so I can sleep well. I have both the ceiling fans going.... the one in the bedroom and the one in the living room and that may help. It did last night.

More tomorrow!

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Tuesday and a Better Night's Sleep

 It finally cooled down sometime in the middle of the night. and I turned on the heat. I was up at 5:30AM or so and made my bed and dressed and got myself ready for the day.

When I turned on the TV and opened the front door I had six cats waiting for their breakfasts. I took out several dishes  and they are eating now. Blondie, Blue and three small kittens..all  eating.

I also got "the weather on the 8's" and here it is:

Today is to be 99 degrees and partly cloudy, tomorrow is to be 95 degrees and mostly sunny, Thursday is to be 93 degrees and partly cloudy, Friday is to be 101 degrees and partly cloudy and windy,  Saturday is to be 92 degrees and scattered Thunderstorms, Sunday is to be 88 degrees and AM  thunderstorms, and Monday is to be 97 degrees and mostly sunny. That's the week ..some rain but mostly partly cloudy.

More Later...

Monday, June 24, 2024

Monday and Mowing

Today Jackson or one of his helpers will come mow my yard at noon. He decided last evening that Monday was best for him and his helpers. It's fine with me too.

I have six cats coming to eat breakfast here. It looks like between Blondie and Grey or one of the other female cats  are producing offspring. I had five cats coming to eat at the same time today...three of them are tiny kittens. Grey was here today too, and Blondie and Whitey came but could find no food. The others had eaten it all. I had four bowls out there.,,,all with food of some kind.

I also caught "the weather on the 8's" It's going to be a scorcher week. Today is to be 101 degrees and sunny, Tuesday is to be 98 degrees and partly cloudy, Wednesday is to be 94 degrees and AM thunderstorms, Thursday is to be 95 degrees and partly cloudy, Friday is to be 100 degrees and partly cloudy, Saturday is to be 91 degrees and scattered thunderstorms, and Sunday is to be 90 degrees and AM thunderstorms,,,lots of hot weather but some rain too. We can sure use the rain.

More Later...I may go buy breakfast at Eggbert's. I had a breakfast bar and Chai Latte already. But I could buy a bigger breakfast with Keith's gift card. 

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Sunday and Coffeecake

I was up early again this morning, fed six cats and baked my coffeecake. Blondie was out there early this morning too and Blackie. I fed both of them and then later, three very small black cats were out there...really small kittens.. I think Blondie may be the father and the little black cat seems to be the mother. Yesterday I saw her nursing one of them. So now I am feeding six feral cats. I guess I can afford that.

I also caught "the weather on the 8's" and here it is for the week.

Today is to be 97 degrees and  partly cloudy, tomorrow is to be 101 degrees and sunny, ( Jackson or one of his helpers is supposed to mow for me on Monday) and Tuesday is to be 99 degrees and partly cloudy, Wednesday is to be 96 degrees and sunny, Thursday is to be 95 degrees and isolated thunderstorms, Friday is to be 100 degrees and mostly sunny, and Saturday is to be 95 degrees and scattered thunderstorms. That's the week! One or two days of rain.  That's better then nothing. 

More Later... I went to Dollar General this evening and bought a few groceries. I spent $29.05.

Maybe More Later..