I slept poorly last night. I woke up at 2:00AM as usual and took my med and then began to be concerned about whether or not I could get my DVD player to work since Keith had put the Tivo on the TV last year after I cancelled the cable. I finally just got up. I set it up, finally figured it out and after about two minutes the DVD player died altogether. I had to really work to get my DVD out of it. In fact, I tore it apart. Between a pair of pliers, a screwdriver, and a kitchen butcher knife, I got it open and took a pair of tweezers to get the DVD out. Bob and I had bought that player used and refurbished at Sears years ago. Now I will need to buy a new one. I may have to get Leslie to install it. I don't know if I could figure it out or not. Probably it would just plug in to the back where I took the other one out and then plug into the power. But with the Tivo on the TV I don't know if I could figure it out. I won't worry about it now. I will just have to get one of the other people in the group to run the DVD if I can't get it hooked up and I will just take the dessert to their house. Always something!
Needless to say, I have been up for hours.
I have dressed and Missy is ready for her breakfast. I will need to eat mine too. At 9:00AM I have my hair appointment and then after that I will take the cakes to Independence. Later today at 6:00PM, the three of us will drive up to Neodesha to see Sue and the family at family time at the funeral home.
So more later...
Missy and I have both had our breakfast and she is in on the bed taking a nap. I have heard from Bob A. He baked his cake last night but has to ice it yet. I told him I would come by after my 9:00AM hair appointment to pick it up. If he wants me to have it earlier so he can go to Joanne's house, he can just drop it by here.
I got my hair done and picked up Bob's cake too. I stopped by the church to leave the small coffee cups I had bought and Cyndi was just leaving her rolls there. I picked those up and put them in the trunk of my car. Bob is bringing rolls too. They should have plenty. I have the makings for my coleslaw. I will make it up this afternoon.
I dropped off the cakes at the First Christian Church and learned we would not have to bring them again until January 8th...the second Tuesday in January. I also went to the Merle Norman store and bought a lipstick before coming back home.
Then I came back home and filled my car tank with gas before I came on home. I fixed the little bit of leftover stew for my lunch and ate that with cheese and crackers. Missy had some cheese. She likes cheese.
I fiddled with moving the antenna and got it to stop tearing...at least temporarily.
I will be gone when my ice cream bars come this evening from Schwans. He is supposed to be here between 6:00PM and 8:00 PM and we will be gone to the family meeting at the funeral home during that time.
I just ordered a new Sony DVD player from Amazon. It is to be here on Friday. I hope it's just a plug and play DVD player. The old one had one plug in and then the power plug. I hope this one installs that same way. We will see.
Leeann just called. She wants to ride with us tomorrow too. She will have to fit in the middle of the back seat.
I called Betty, my landlady, about three things. She got Emmett right over here. There was a puddle of water on the floor behind the stool day before yesterday. I wasn't sure if the stool was leaking or not. Then there was that breaker box and also the overhead light fixture. I got the bulb changed but the fixture was too bulky for me to be able to hold it while I screwed the center back in.
Emmett just left. He took care of all three. He put the center shade back on the ceiling fixture in the dining room. He also checked out the breaker box. It blew a breaker while I was trying to blow the leaves away from my back door and it is so high up on the wall in the furnace area, I could not read it. I turned each of them to the "on" switch but couldn't be sure I had them
all "on".
Karan called and volunteered to drive tomorrow since we will have a lot of food in the trunk. I had emptied out my trunk but still was not sure I had room for everything. Leann had three dishes, I had my coleslaw, I had Cyndi's two big packages of rolls and Bob's rolls and Karan's dish and Phyllis' cake. We were to pick up Melissa's veggie tray at church and Mike was bringing his cake tonight. Even with an empty trunk, I didn't think we would have enough room. I think Leslie got hold of Karan and suggested that she might drive since she has a bigger car. I know she suggested to me that either Karan of Phyllis both had larger cars. I told her Phyllis asked me if I would drive so I knew Phyllis didn't want to drive herself.
I will drive this evening. Neither Bob nor Leeann are going this evening and we are not taking food. So I will have enough room to drive tonight. I will leave at 6:00PM and we may be back by 7:30PM at the latest.
I just fed Missy. One less thing to worry about.
Just before I left, the Schwans man came with my order. I was afraid he would come while I was gone. We had a good visit with the family.
I got everyone back home late. I took my bath and lay on the sofa with Missy awhile. In fact, I fell asleep on the sofa and when I woke up, I just went to bed.
Getting old is not for sissies. It stresses me if I get too many problems in one day. This day was a doozie.