Saturday, November 7, 2020

Saturday and Nothing Much Going

I slept well last night but was up before 5:00AM. Not a whole lot going on today.  I may rake the back yard if the weather holds up. It still looks a mess even though I mowed it earlier in the week. My neighbor's tree is still losing it's leaves.

I have had my breakfast and coffee and will probably need to feed the cats this morning. I did not feed them last night at all and they are not particularly interested in the new food.  I keep thinking if they get hungry enough they will dig into it though.

More later...

My son-in-law has been diagnosed with the virus. My daughter is negative. I went over to Coffeyville to be tested and I won't know the result until 5 days.That's because I have no symptoms. Tuesday my son-in-law met with a farmer who wanted to arrange to have him deliver him the liquid feed that adds vitamins and minerals to the diet of cattle.

After John was diagnosed, he did  some research. He learned that the man he met with after lunch on Tuesday had a wife who had had the virus for 5 days, The man did not segregate for two weeks as he should have. That's where the virus came from.

I went by Nancy's this afternoon and visited her for awhile, When I got home Karen Rankin came to visit me. She stayed an hour. She wished she had rented the duplex next door. Instead, she bought another house in Independence. Now she is sorry she did that. There are 13 dogs in her neighborhood and they all bark morning, noon and night. She has about had it with all the noise.

After she left, I had my banana. I also ate my chocolate cake from Wednesday.

It is 6:00PM now and at 7:00PM I will take my bath. And I plan to go to bed at 9:00PM.

Friday, November 6, 2020

Friday and Laundry

 I have some laundry to do today and I will get it started right after I finish my coffee and Chai. It is 5:45AM right now and although I have made my bed and got myself ready for the day, I haven't turned on the TV yet. I have checked and computer and so far there is no winner for the presidency.

I will go check the "weather on the 8s" and then see what later news there may be. I will pick this up on the notebook in the living room.

So far, no update. 

I see the cats are still not used to the new cat food. If they get hungry enough, they will eat it.  They are doing better this morning. They may have decided to accept the inevitable.

I have that bit of laundry going now. Later, after the news, I will dust with those dusting cloths with polish in them. 

More later.... 

It is very foggy  here but no rain, Bob says it is raining in Coffeyville and the gutters are running over.

Channel 6 says Joe Biden is now in the lead in Georgia. All Biden needs is Georgia and he will exceed 270 and be declared the president. 

Pennsylvania is also very close. 

Biden is up 6,000 votes in Pennsylvania. There are still many ballots yet to be counted. These ballots are ones that were in by election day If Biden wins Pennsylvania, he will have the 270 electoral votes.

I have the laundry in the dryer now.  

I went to lunch with Nancy and then we worked on her TV to get the high definition picture to work That finally worked and I showed her how to do that. We went out to church to make her a copy of my programming schedule. While we were back at her house looking at the election news, Leslie called needing a photo of her dad in uniform. I only had one. He did  not like to have his picture taken since at that time he was very skinny. He had many pictures of his friends when he was in uniform but I only had two of him.  I sent one to her. This one.

Image may contain: one or more people and people standing

At that time, he weighed 128 pounds and he was 5 ft. 10 1/2  inches tall.

I miss him every day! We were married 58 years.

Here he was when he was volunteering with the Red Cross after he retired.

Image may contain: one or more people and people sitting

157 pounds here.

My favorite picture of Bob.

I will take my bath now. 

It is 7:00PM. I will read until 9:00PM when I intend to go to bed.


Thursday, November 5, 2020

Thursday and Cleaning Day

 I slept well last night and I should have. I took two Melatonin tablets.

I looked out after I had my breakfast and there were four cats out there waiting for their breakfast. They still are not overly happy with the new food but if they get hungry enough they will learn to like it. There are still three cats out there waiting for something more.  

Still no one has the 270 electoral votes needed to be declared president. Biden is 17 votes from that total at 253 and they are still counting votes.

Trump insists he is taking it to the Supreme Court.  Last I saw, Trump had a total of 213. So he needs 57 more to qualify.

I will clean during the commercials again today. I still have the weather channel on and am waiting for the "weather on the 8's" which gives us the southeast Kansas forecast.  It should be a couple of minutes from now at 6:38AM.

I got everything vacuumed except the dining room. Now I am watching the CBS news. After it is over I will vacuum the dining room and finish wiping down the bare floor with my swifter.

Later this morning I will try to call Nancy. I got the book out that she wanted to borrow. I will get it to her today sometime if I can raise her on the phone.

I also want to go by Myrtle's Market and look around again.

More later...

I have everything done except the dusting. I got the dining room done. I will either do that dusting this afternoon or tomorrow.

Two of the cats are back for more food but they will have to wait for supper. The yellow cat is drinking some water.  I was going to refill their dish but I put away the vacuum instead and forgot my intention. Scruffie is out there too.

More later...

Scruffie lies by my door quite  a bit of the time. She's still feral but is friendlier then she used to be. I have to be careful going out the front or she acts like she would come in the door. That was a catastrophe the last time one of them got in. I ended up having to throw an afghan over that one in order to get it out. It was terrified.

About 2:00PM, I went over to Nancy's and we went for a long drive and enjoyed the lovely weather.

Then I got home and fed the cats again. The next time I looked out I noticed one of my blue bowls was gone and another was out in the yard, partly empty. There was a large black dog out there. I ran him off but I could never find the other blue bowl. Needless to say, I brought in the cat food.

At 7:00PM, I took my bath and got ready to read the latest free Amazon book. I had downloaded it and returned the latest one I had read.

I will go to bed at 9;00PM



Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Wednesday and Bunco

 I got up before 5:00AM and got myself ready for day. I dressed and texted Bob to see if the wanted to go to breakfast. He did. I fed the cats at 6:00AM and had some coffee myself. I left the cat food out there for them. They didn't seem to be interested in the new food John and Leslie bought for them. I figure if they get hungry enough they will develop a taste for it.

I left for Coffeyville at 6:30AM and picked up Bob at 7:00AM. We went by Eggberts for breakfast but they were closed.They had a problem with the electricity over the hood over their grill so they were waiting for an electrician. We went out to Brahms and had biscuits and gravy. That was alright but not the sort of breakfast we were hoping for.

I took sacks by Genesis and papers by Karan's house. She takes them to the animal shelter. I also went out to Walmart and bought the few things I needed in groceries.

I went by Dobbins and picked up my new contacts. I went by the Sonic and bought a cherry limeade slush.

Then I sat in front of the senior center and listened to NPR as they talked about the election.

When Janet came back and opened the door, I went in and we played Bunco until 3:30PM when I came home. 

I did some more mowing of leaves in the front yard again and swept up those from behind the hedge again. About that time Tim Rigdon came by with my meal from the Methodist church. We visited about my son, Keith, and he introduced me to his younger son. Tim is married to Chester's daughter, Beth Marsh.

I ate my chicken and noodles and green beans and biscuit and am saving my cake for later. I am not used to eating this much in the afternoon.

I am watching the CBS news now. Joe Biden is close to having the 270 electoral votes it takes to win the presidency. He has 253. Trump has 216 electoral votes right now.

I will take my bath about 7:00PM and get ready for bed by 9:00PM.

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Tuesday and Election Day

I slept well last night. I was very tired after all the exercise I got yesterday. I dread to look out this morning to see if there are lots of leaves in that front yard this morning. I made my bed, got myself ready for the day and have had my breakfast. Today is election day and I will try to follow the news to the finish. I am quite sure the ballot counting will take at least another few days since the vote was historically heavy.  I will see if Nancy needs a ride to the polls today. I want to be sure she can cast her vote. She could probably walk down to the polls. It's only a few blocks from her home but I want to be sure she gets there.

I haven't looked out and checked on the cats yet. So more later...It's 6:00AM and I want to turn on the weather.

There were about four cats out there waiting for their breakfast. I want to use the Meow Mix up before I begin on the cat food Leslie brought me yesterday. As usual I had to go out through the garage. They always stand at the front door and would try to come in if I opened the front door. I believe the only ones still out there are the "kittens". They have grown so much I hesitate to even call them kittens any more. I should go out and bring in the empty bowls. I did that and only one yellow cat and a black cat I call Inky came back for more. It was too late.

I have gone out and looked to see how many leaves are back on the yard. It is not too bad. I did clean up the area behind the hedge again. I did a little raking in front of the hedge too.

It looks pretty good considering the leaves are still falling and my trees haven't lost any yet. Of course there is no wind today. That makes all the difference too. It is 8:45AM now and 48 degrees out there.

At this point Biden is ahead but that means nothing. Only some of the early voters have been counted. In the last election Hilary was ahead at the end in the popular vote. The electors cast the vote that counts. If they don't follow the popular vote and vote that way, the popular vote doesn't count.

It is 9:50AM. And I went out and mowed the leaves in the street. I didn't want those in my yard. I got another full bag of leaves. I am hoping there won't be a ton of leaves in my yard again.

I see Scruffie is back looking in the window at the door. She has eaten already and I am not going to feed her again until perhaps evening.

She kept meowing at me and I broke down and took the food back out. She ate some of it then and I took it back in. She is gone now.

It is 12:45PM and I called Nancy to ask her if she wanted to go vote. Gina answered the phone and she said they had asked her if she wanted to go vote and she just wanted to lie on the couch and didn't want to go anywhere.

Suzanne came and picked up the rent check and brought me some homemade soup for my lunch on Thursday (actually she brought it for today but I just just eaten so I will save it for Thursday).  I want to order the meal for tomorrow evening at the Methodist church here.  I can either pick it up or they will deliver it.

She also introduced me to the woman who will be moving in next door here the middle of the month. Her name is Carla Lewis. She seems quite nice. She has a Down Syndrome son who has his own apartment. She is trying to get him into the low income apartments here when they have a one bedroom one available.

More later... 

I called Nancy again after lunch and asked her to go vote. She was willing.  So I took her to City Hall and she voted. Then we drove around Caney and looked at homes. some in great shape and some run dawn. We had a good visit too. I stayed an hour with her and visited. She had been working in her yard too...taking up her spent flowers. We decided to try to go to lunch on Friday.   

I have the CBS evening news on now. I will try to follow the election this evening even though it probably not be decided until  Friday.

The four cats came for supper. They were waiting for me to come home from Nancy's for their supper. I ate a banana myself.  

More later... 

I stayed  up to watch the election results and finally went to bed at 9:30PM after they announced a water leak had stopped the counting in one key state. I forget which one. It may have been Georgia or one of the Carolinas. In the middle of the night at 2:30 Trump declared himself a winner even though millions of votes had not yet been counted. No network, not even Fox, had declared a winner with all those uncounted votes. 

Monday, November 2, 2020

Monday and a Good Night's Sleep

I couldn't get warm last night so I got out the quilt Rosie Sanford's son gave me after her funeral. It had been washed and came right off her bed. It was homemade. Rosie was a very gifted woman. She sold several of her lovely quilts for enough money to put a new roof on her house. I visited her one time and she was busy reupholstering her favorite recliner. She was up in her 80's when I found her in the parking lot of our newly built church waiting for someone to come and welcome her. We did just that! She was such a joy! And once she came she was always there on Sunday morning in her little brand new red car.  She died suddenly a few years after that. Her kids asked me to do her funeral and I did that. Then they called me and asked me to come by their home. I dropped by and that's when they gave me that lovely quilt.

Anyhow, enough reminiscing. 

I slept well after putting that quilt over me last night.

I got up at 5:00AM again this morning and have had my juice, oatmeal and coffee. I will get my Chai next. I texted Bob at 6:30AM and he has a doctor's appointment this morning at 9:00AM. It may be just routine. He has spinal stenosis and they keep a close watch on that.

It just occurred to me..I will be 85 in one month from today.

I had better get my chai and check if the cats and kittens are out there waiting for me to feed them their breakfast. I also want to watch the "Weather on the 8's".

Sure enough three cats were out there...two yellow cats and the one I call "Inky" the black kitten. He and his yellow sibling are growing up quite fast...they are well fed. I took their food out through the garage. 

I saw Pablo there. He and his girlfriend, Kylie, moved into their bigger home this weekend. She stayed all evening and cleaned the place immaculately.  She even did some painting needed from the previous renter. He is expecting a package when the mail comes and he asked me to take it in for him. He is afraid someone will take the package since they are no longer living there. He will drop by after work to pick it up. I think he said it was new boots.

So, more later...

It's 8:15AM now and Scruffie just showed up for her breakfast. The others have all been here and eaten and I had taken the food in. I took it back out for her but she is holding back about coming up for it for some reason. Maybe she has eaten somewhere else.

She finally came around but it was for clean water. So far she has not eaten anything.

Leslie came this noontime and put the cat food John gave me in a big lidded can and put the bag of leaves in the trash container for me for tomorrow's pick up. This morning, before Leslie came, I pulled down the attic ladder in the garage and put some empty boxes up there. Then we met John at the Caney Eggbert's and they bought my lunch.  We left KiKi and Mini in my back yard while we were gone. When we came back to my apartment they acted like they thought Leslie was going to leave them here with me. They were delighted to see her again and they love to ride in the car.

Image may contain: grass, tree, outdoor and nature 

When they left, I cleaned up the leaves under my hedge and then decided to mow the front yard. It looks better now but by tomorrow it will be a mess again from the tree across the street. I was so glad to be able to do that. I really need the exercise. The only other exercise I get is to vacuum the apartment.

Scruffie finally showed up for her mid morning meal. She didn't eat a lot but she drank quite a lot of water. She is gone now so I brought in the food dish. It is 3:40PM now. I had watched an episode of Forensic Files before I mowed. Now I have my laundry in the dryer.  I guess I will go watch the news while it dries.

More later... 

Image may contain: indoor 

This is my little solar cat. Leslie gave me this as a gift several years ago. It still works!

It's 5:05PM now and I am waiting for the 5:30PM CBS news.

I watched the news and then read until 7:00PM when I took my bath. Then I read until shortly after 9:00PM and since I was very tired by then, I went on to bed.

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Sunday and Online Church Again

I woke up at my usual time only instead of 5:00AM, it was 4:00AM. Daylight Savings time went off overnight.

I stayed in bed until 5:00AM and then dressed and got myself ready for the day. I checked my bank account and started this blog before I even turned on the TV for the "Weather on the 8s". Actually, I didn't want to deal with the cats/kittens this early. They may not even be out there yet.

At 11:00AM this morning, I will turn on the church service at Toronto Canada.  I do that with their face book site. I have it on my bookmarks.

I finished my book last night before I went to bed. So I may have to download another today. I charged my Kindle last night. It doesn't hold the charge too well anymore. It seems like every time I start a book it needs charging.

Well, I'd better get the weather and the news so I will get back to this later.

I turned on the TV to the "Weather on the 8s" and it appears we are going to have a nice week. Furthermore there were all the cats/kittens out there waiting for their breakfast. They evidently changed back from daylight savings time too. Anyhow, I had to take their food out through the garage. They were bound to try to come in the apartment.

I am watching "Hope in the Wild", one of my usual Sunday morning programs on CBS. So I will get back to this later. 

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 These little critters hang around in hopes of getting into the apartment. When they do that, I have to take their food out through the garage. It's 7:30AM now and I will watch the CBS news at 8:00AM.  

I watched the CBS News and then went out to Dollar General to get some breakfast bars and I came back in time to see another news show and then it was time to log onto Toronto's worship service. 

I had problems with Cox and the service was off and on until the finish. I finally rebooted the router and was able to watch the last of the service with the note book in the living room  but the den computers, both of them, were off and on. I was so disgusted with Cox. They charge plenty but their signal was too weak for all the people home and online. I rebooted the router and that got me online in the living room recliner.

I talked to their service department but they were swamped with calls.   Finally I just hung up. That's when I rebooted the router.

I still have not had my lunch. It's almost 1:00PM now. I think I will warm up some soup and crackers and cheese. 

So, more later... 

I checked the number of Covid19 cases in Kansas and in Montgomery County  and there are 82,045 cases in Kansas and 703 in Montgomery County with 106 active cases in Montgomery County. That's definitely a second wave of the virus. People are not wearing face masks. The woman at the cashier desk at Dollar General said there were many who came in there without face masks. I think that should be mandated. And so should social distancing. Otherwise this thing will go on indefinitely.

More later... 

I had my soup and crackers and cheese  about 1:00PM and then spent the rest of the afternoon cleaning out my flowerbed...all but the Dusty Miller. I just cut it back. Nancy told me you could do that with  Dusty Miller.  Then I raked it. I had to take the little cart Keith bought me around to haul that mess to the front. It was too heavy to even drag. I hope Leslie can help me lift that big bag into the trash container while she is here tomorrow. She is coming to make a bank deposit and will pick up the leaf vacuum I gave John. It's too heavy for me to lift anymore.  I was going to put some empty boxes in the attic after I finished with the yard but I was too tired to try it. I will ask her to do that while she is here too.

She is going to bring me some stuff to put in the mower's gas tank to stabilize it over the winter months. There isn't much gas in it after I mowed yesterday. 

That was wasted effort. I mowed all those leave up in the back yard and my neighbor's tree just deposited some more. I just can't win. My trees have not begun losing their leaves yet.

Pablo came over this afternoon. His girlfriend had told Suzanne he would mow one more time before they left today but it doesn't need mowing. It hasn't grown in the two weeks since it was last mowed. There are just leaves everywhere and its futile to try to mow them. His mower doesn't have a bag but it wouldn't do any good anyhow as long as the neighbor's tree is still shedding it's leaves. I found that out myself. The next day the leaves are back on the yard.

Anyhow, I got a lot done today.

I will watch the CBS news at 5:00PM. Then I will have a banana for supper. 

I will have my bath at 6:45 and try to watch the Springfield worship service at 7:00PM and then plan to go to bed at 9:00PM. I bet I sleep well tonight.

I missed the Springfield worship service on Zoom this evening. My technology is sporadic today. Cox Communications is overwhelmed with folks online.

I found the Springfield church's facebook and watched the service there. It was recorded after the fact and not live streamed with Zoom there.

They did a good job...better then usual.

I took my bath after that and went back to reading my new free Amazon book. At 9:00PM, I went on to bed. I was very tired. It had been a big busy day.