I have plans for today. First I will meet my brother-in-law for breakfast and then I will go see my sister at 9:30. After that, I will go to the Arts and Crafts Fair. I guess I will go by myself. Leslie has Maia and also is on call. After that, I will come home and do some cleaning for the Thanksgiving week.
Tomorrow evening is the Community Wide Thanksgiving service at the Church of the Nazarene. As treasurer, I will attend and take care of depositing the offering and writing the check for Genesis.
I have decided to work both Monday and Tuesday to make up for being off next Thursday and Friday.
This is also our week to take the 12 cakes Tuesday to the dinner in Independence. I asked my brother-in-law if he would take them on Tuesday because I will be working. They need to be there before noon to have time to be cut and placed on plates for that night's dinner. He said he would. We take the six Coffeyville cakes. The rest are taken by the Neodesha, rural Independence and Dennis folks. I will learn on Sunday how many we can count on. Some folks may be out of town for the Thanksgiving holiday.
Wednesday I have a hair appointment after work and Thursday is Thanksgiving. I will also be off on Friday. I have no plans for Friday. Perhaps I will visit with my niece who is coming from Wisconsin to see her mother, my sister.
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Friday, November 18, 2011
Friday Again
Thank goodness it's Friday. This has been a very busy week. Next week will be just as busy. I probably should work Monday and Tuesday since the office will be closed Thursday and Friday for Thanksgiving. I'll check with Bonnie today. If Faye works and does scanning, I will have filing. If I do work Monday and Tuesday, Someone else will need to take the cakes to Independence on Tuesday.
I am having a small Thanksgiving dinner Thursday. Only Leslie and John will be here. I bought an eight pound bird. That's the smallest I've ever fixed. We will have the traditional meal. Turkey and dressing, mashed potatoes and gravy, (my daughter doesn't like sweet potatoes) green bean casserole, fruit salad and hot rolls. My daughter is bringing the pie...probably pumpkin. I love cranberry salad but I'm the only one who does. So I won't fix that. Having just the three of us is certainly better then being alone. Leslie is on call so there's the possibility she will be called away. Jeromy and his family are going to Topeka for Thanksgiving this year and so they will be with us for Christmas. Christina is in Kuwait, Sara is in Texas, Scott is in Germany, Ashley is in Georgia, Jerod is in Alaska, and Keith and Esther are in Phoenix so the family is scattered.
Bob A. and I are going to have lunch today in Cherryvale at the buffet there. We always like that opportunity to have some veggies. Neither of us eats too healthy most of the time. We both exist on Schwann's TV dinners and sandwiches...some homemade and some from fast food. I had a steak sandwich, fries and a small shake at Braums yesterday afternoon. Certainly nothing there too healthy.
Tomorrow he and I will have breakfast at Eggberts. He may go to the Craft Fair with me but I haven't asked him yet. I asked Leslie but she has Maia tomorrow and is also on call this weekend too. So she may not go. I also want to go see Phyliis in the morning. I haven't seen her since last Saturday. I worked Monday and had that evaluation meeting Tuesday so I have not seen her for a week.
I am anxiously waiting for my tax bill. I am concerned that they may have raised my taxes this year. I protested the evaluation and got it lowered but they can always raise the mill levy. I have the money saved for taxes but unfortunately my house insurance also comes due in January. It's always something.
I am having a small Thanksgiving dinner Thursday. Only Leslie and John will be here. I bought an eight pound bird. That's the smallest I've ever fixed. We will have the traditional meal. Turkey and dressing, mashed potatoes and gravy, (my daughter doesn't like sweet potatoes) green bean casserole, fruit salad and hot rolls. My daughter is bringing the pie...probably pumpkin. I love cranberry salad but I'm the only one who does. So I won't fix that. Having just the three of us is certainly better then being alone. Leslie is on call so there's the possibility she will be called away. Jeromy and his family are going to Topeka for Thanksgiving this year and so they will be with us for Christmas. Christina is in Kuwait, Sara is in Texas, Scott is in Germany, Ashley is in Georgia, Jerod is in Alaska, and Keith and Esther are in Phoenix so the family is scattered.
Bob A. and I are going to have lunch today in Cherryvale at the buffet there. We always like that opportunity to have some veggies. Neither of us eats too healthy most of the time. We both exist on Schwann's TV dinners and sandwiches...some homemade and some from fast food. I had a steak sandwich, fries and a small shake at Braums yesterday afternoon. Certainly nothing there too healthy.
Tomorrow he and I will have breakfast at Eggberts. He may go to the Craft Fair with me but I haven't asked him yet. I asked Leslie but she has Maia tomorrow and is also on call this weekend too. So she may not go. I also want to go see Phyliis in the morning. I haven't seen her since last Saturday. I worked Monday and had that evaluation meeting Tuesday so I have not seen her for a week.
I am anxiously waiting for my tax bill. I am concerned that they may have raised my taxes this year. I protested the evaluation and got it lowered but they can always raise the mill levy. I have the money saved for taxes but unfortunately my house insurance also comes due in January. It's always something.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Thursday Workday
I'll work today after all. My brother-in-law attended his doctor's appointment yesterday after he discovered he had told me the wrong day. He talked to me last evening and evidently everything is o.k. except he has been coughing up mucus lately and the doctor wanted a CT scan of his chest. The x-ray the doctor took at his office showed nothing at all wrong. He will know the results of the CT soon.
Today should be rather quiet. I hope to have filing to do at work. There was very little yesterday so I spent most of the morning making labels for old folders. That's busy work but that's o.k. It is work. I can't bear to be idle. I had enough of that at the Senior Services office.
Slinky spent the night in the kitchen and only woke me up once to go out. Missy spent most of the night on my bed cuddled up against my knees. She must have been warm there.
I do need to get dog food today. I need some other things from the market too but I'd like to wait until the first of the week to get them. That way I just go out to Wal Mart once before Thanksgiving. I will need to get potatoes, an onion, the fruit for the fruit salad and some containers for leftovers. I gave the ones I had to the Living the Questions group last Sunday evening so they could divide up Jack's bread pudding. I need a few more non Thanksgiving things too. I will need to put the turkey down in the frig on Monday afternoon so it will thaw.
Both boys called last night. I had sent them word of Doctor Eslicker's diagnosis and They were evidently concerned that another of their parents had cancer. I had to reassure them that basal cell carcinoma is not much of a threat.
I got paid from SER National today. That's good. What I have left has to last me until the 14th of December when my social security comes in next.
More later...
Today should be rather quiet. I hope to have filing to do at work. There was very little yesterday so I spent most of the morning making labels for old folders. That's busy work but that's o.k. It is work. I can't bear to be idle. I had enough of that at the Senior Services office.
Slinky spent the night in the kitchen and only woke me up once to go out. Missy spent most of the night on my bed cuddled up against my knees. She must have been warm there.
I do need to get dog food today. I need some other things from the market too but I'd like to wait until the first of the week to get them. That way I just go out to Wal Mart once before Thanksgiving. I will need to get potatoes, an onion, the fruit for the fruit salad and some containers for leftovers. I gave the ones I had to the Living the Questions group last Sunday evening so they could divide up Jack's bread pudding. I need a few more non Thanksgiving things too. I will need to put the turkey down in the frig on Monday afternoon so it will thaw.
Both boys called last night. I had sent them word of Doctor Eslicker's diagnosis and They were evidently concerned that another of their parents had cancer. I had to reassure them that basal cell carcinoma is not much of a threat.
I got paid from SER National today. That's good. What I have left has to last me until the 14th of December when my social security comes in next.
More later...
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Wednesday Again
I went in the office yesterday for my re-certification from SER SCEP from Aime. I asked her about this job search and she said all their people do a job search. They may just put someone down but they have to turn in a job search sheet every month. That was news to me. Billie Jo says Jody does not job search and Bonnie says Faye doesn't either. They must just write down some businesses each month.
Yesterday after I left work, I went to Independence and met Leslie. my daughter, for lunch at Eggberts. I hadn't done that in quite a while. We had a nice lunch but a short visit. She was very busy at work. Then I came home and got my coupon for an oil change at the Honda agency and went to Bartlesville to have it done. The Honda agency there does it for $14.95. If I have it done here, they charge $36.00. And the Honda agency also washes the car. I bought gas for $3.10.9 there in Bartlesville and walked around the mall for awhile to kill time. Gas here is $3.39.9. My appointment for the oil change was at 3:00pm. I took my Kindle and read my book while I waited. The service manager told me about a project they are doing for poor children for Christmas. he told me if I would donate $10.00 to their project they would do my oil change for free. So it ended up costing me just $10.00.
After I got home, I watched some TV, took my bath and went to bed. I tried to get Slinky to stay in and sleep in the kitchen because it was supposed to be cold last night but he did not want to do that. Missy slept in the house but wanted out at 3:00 am. Darn cat!
I will work this morning and then this afternoon from 2:00 until 3:30, I have my library board certification meeting at the library. I didn't attend the PINCH meeting. After the afternoon and the way the weather turned cold, I just stayed home. Today was wall to wall enough that's for sure.
I did hear from the doctor's office and that place on my face turned out to be basel cell carcinoma. I have another appointment December 12th to have the rest of it removed.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Another Tuesday
This is the day for my SEK SCEP evaluation. It will be interesting to see what Aime has to say. My evaluation is two and a half months early. I also want to ask her why I have to do a monthly job search when no one else in the program has to do that. I have run out of businesses to visit. This is a small community.
Keith finally called last night to say he and Esther were in California to check in at Marsh Air Force Base. He got in in the very early hours on Sunday. They will be there for two weeks...although he hopes he will be able to be out of there before Thanksgiving. They want to have Thanksgiving with her family in Phoenix.
Then later in the evening, Scott called and talked for 120 minutes. We had a really good visit. Becky will be there next Tuesday. This is the trip she has paid for herself. She will stay eleven days and be there for Thanksgiving and his birthday too. My birthday is three days later on December 2nd. I'd just as soon forget it.
I've been discussing with my classmates the possibility of getting together in Branson in 2013 for our 60th reunion. Some would rather meet in Coffeyville. Some have suggested Tulsa. If they don't want to meet in Branson, we should probably just meet here in Coffeyville. We could meet on a Friday evening for dinner and then gather somewhere for a get together to visit the next day. Then the classmates could see the town if they wish. Unfortunately the town has really become run down since we graduated in 1953. They are working on fixing it up but it didn't get run down overnight and they won't be able to get it fixed up overnight either. A lot of the problem is an almost empty downtown and some of the problem is folks who are not keeping their property properly painted and cleaned up. Many of the citizens are elderly and poor. If they can't fix up their property themselves and don't have the money to pay someone to do it, it just gets run down.
Keith finally called last night to say he and Esther were in California to check in at Marsh Air Force Base. He got in in the very early hours on Sunday. They will be there for two weeks...although he hopes he will be able to be out of there before Thanksgiving. They want to have Thanksgiving with her family in Phoenix.
Then later in the evening, Scott called and talked for 120 minutes. We had a really good visit. Becky will be there next Tuesday. This is the trip she has paid for herself. She will stay eleven days and be there for Thanksgiving and his birthday too. My birthday is three days later on December 2nd. I'd just as soon forget it.
I've been discussing with my classmates the possibility of getting together in Branson in 2013 for our 60th reunion. Some would rather meet in Coffeyville. Some have suggested Tulsa. If they don't want to meet in Branson, we should probably just meet here in Coffeyville. We could meet on a Friday evening for dinner and then gather somewhere for a get together to visit the next day. Then the classmates could see the town if they wish. Unfortunately the town has really become run down since we graduated in 1953. They are working on fixing it up but it didn't get run down overnight and they won't be able to get it fixed up overnight either. A lot of the problem is an almost empty downtown and some of the problem is folks who are not keeping their property properly painted and cleaned up. Many of the citizens are elderly and poor. If they can't fix up their property themselves and don't have the money to pay someone to do it, it just gets run down.
Monday, November 14, 2011
Very Busy Week
Last night was a great success. Jack brought the dessert and we watched a segment of Living the Questions and then had a lively discussion after that.
I still haven't heard a word from my eldest son who is supposed to be home from Iraq now. My daughter is also concerned.
Today I work. Since I missed Friday for the holiday, I will make up my time today. After work, I need to do my job search again. I am in a quandry about where to go. I have been everywhere the past ten months. This is a small town. I do not go to fast food because I don't think I could stand on my feet that long. Otherwise, I have been everywhere. I have to put an ad in the Journal today for Wednesday and Saturday too to advertise the Community Thanksgiving worship service on next Sunday evening. I also need to mail a book off at the post office.
Tomorrow is my re-certification at work and Aime will be meeting me there at 8:00 AM. I found a substitute to attend the MC3 meeting and take notes for the minutes.
I will work on Wednesday and after work go to the library to study with Jennifer for my board certification there. That's 2:00 to 3:30. Later that evening I have a PINCH meeting at 5:30 at the Presbyterian church. I will also need to get my pay sheet signed off on that day too because I will be off on Thursday.
Thursday I am no longer going with my brother-in-law to see his oncologist. He got the day wrong and it is an appointment on Wednesday. I can't go on Wednesday.
Then I work Friday. After work, he and I will go to Cherryvale to have lunch there at the buffet.
That's my busy week.
I still haven't heard a word from my eldest son who is supposed to be home from Iraq now. My daughter is also concerned.
Today I work. Since I missed Friday for the holiday, I will make up my time today. After work, I need to do my job search again. I am in a quandry about where to go. I have been everywhere the past ten months. This is a small town. I do not go to fast food because I don't think I could stand on my feet that long. Otherwise, I have been everywhere. I have to put an ad in the Journal today for Wednesday and Saturday too to advertise the Community Thanksgiving worship service on next Sunday evening. I also need to mail a book off at the post office.
Tomorrow is my re-certification at work and Aime will be meeting me there at 8:00 AM. I found a substitute to attend the MC3 meeting and take notes for the minutes.
I will work on Wednesday and after work go to the library to study with Jennifer for my board certification there. That's 2:00 to 3:30. Later that evening I have a PINCH meeting at 5:30 at the Presbyterian church. I will also need to get my pay sheet signed off on that day too because I will be off on Thursday.
Thursday I am no longer going with my brother-in-law to see his oncologist. He got the day wrong and it is an appointment on Wednesday. I can't go on Wednesday.
Then I work Friday. After work, he and I will go to Cherryvale to have lunch there at the buffet.
That's my busy week.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
My Daughter's Quest
"You may remember him as Bob, Robert, Bobbie, Jake’s son, or even something else, but to me he was Dad.
I’m Leslie, his daughter, and this is the 3rd year that I have been involved with Relay for Life. The first year was because I was asked but the second year my Dad had died of cancer in May and that brought me to a new level of commitment. Please take time and read my personal page so you will know a little about the Robert E Miller that I knew as Dad. And if you are able to help with my fight (our fight) against cancer it will bring us closer to finding a cure so someday you or your children won’t be asking.
Thank you.
This year, I am helping save lives from cancer by taking part in the American Cancer Society Relay For Life, and I'm hoping you will support me. Each of us has our own reasons for caring about the fight against cancer, but it seems that we all know someone who has personally battled this disease.
My team and I have set a goal to raise at least $100 per person and I've set a personal goal to raise $500. Currently I'm only $325. from reaching my goal. Any donation you can make, large or small, will help me reach my fundraising goal and helps us reach the greater goal of saving lives from cancer!
Please use the link below to visit my personal web page to make a secure, tax-deductible online donation to the American Cancer Society. You can make a one-time gift, or increase your impact by donating monthly!
Thank you and I will keep you updated on my progress!"
Click here to visit my PERSONAL page.
If the text above does not appear as a clickable link, you can visit the web address:
Click here to view the TEAM page for Four County
If the text above does not appear as a clickable link, you can visit the web address:
I’m Leslie, his daughter, and this is the 3rd year that I have been involved with Relay for Life. The first year was because I was asked but the second year my Dad had died of cancer in May and that brought me to a new level of commitment. Please take time and read my personal page so you will know a little about the Robert E Miller that I knew as Dad. And if you are able to help with my fight (our fight) against cancer it will bring us closer to finding a cure so someday you or your children won’t be asking.
Thank you.
This year, I am helping save lives from cancer by taking part in the American Cancer Society Relay For Life, and I'm hoping you will support me. Each of us has our own reasons for caring about the fight against cancer, but it seems that we all know someone who has personally battled this disease.
My team and I have set a goal to raise at least $100 per person and I've set a personal goal to raise $500. Currently I'm only $325. from reaching my goal. Any donation you can make, large or small, will help me reach my fundraising goal and helps us reach the greater goal of saving lives from cancer!
Please use the link below to visit my personal web page to make a secure, tax-deductible online donation to the American Cancer Society. You can make a one-time gift, or increase your impact by donating monthly!
Thank you and I will keep you updated on my progress!"
Click here to visit my PERSONAL page.
If the text above does not appear as a clickable link, you can visit the web address:
Click here to view the TEAM page for Four County
If the text above does not appear as a clickable link, you can visit the web address:
Busy Sunday
My eldest son is supposed to be home from Iraq today. I saw on facebook where they had lots of plane problems. I am anxious to learn what happened and if he did get home safely.
Today will be busy. I have the Living the Questions group tonight but first I have church this morning, dinner afterward, my letters to do this afternoon and last minute preparations for the group.
The animals slept outside last night. It was pretty balmy out. I dread the winter when Slinky will have to spend the mornings in the garage and the nights in the house. I don't know how I am to do my job search then. I guess he'll spend afternoons in the garage too while I job search.
The weather doesn't get colder until later in the week. So he can sleep outside for a couple more days.
More later..
Today will be busy. I have the Living the Questions group tonight but first I have church this morning, dinner afterward, my letters to do this afternoon and last minute preparations for the group.
The animals slept outside last night. It was pretty balmy out. I dread the winter when Slinky will have to spend the mornings in the garage and the nights in the house. I don't know how I am to do my job search then. I guess he'll spend afternoons in the garage too while I job search.
The weather doesn't get colder until later in the week. So he can sleep outside for a couple more days.
More later..
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