I slept well without Melatonin. I woke up shortly before 5:00AM. I dressed and had my oatmeal and coffee and Chai and waited for Karan to come. In the meantime, I filled the cat bowl and one or the other of the cats managed to eat it while we were gone to Sunfest. We looked all around the park and had a Indian Taco at lunch time at the tent where they made those.
Later we stopped by to see my kids. They had brought one of the puppies to the park to deliver to a woman who was to meet Leslie at a service station nearby at 2:00PM. Poor little fellow was very hot. He is plump. He had plenty of water but was still hot.

They only have one more to sell. Then they will be out of Cowboy Corgis from this litter.
I don't know how much John sold of his paintings. But they seemed to be enjoying themselves. And they only have the one Cowboy Corgi left to sell.

This is John and Leslie at their booth at Sunfest where is is displaying for sale his artwork.
Karan brought me back home and we went out to Myrtle's Market to look for the matching billfold for my new purse. Then we went downtown to see Joyce's store but Joyce was closed today.
Karan went on back home. I will see her in church tomorrow.
More later...
Actually Karan just called a little bit ago to tell me she was going to attend her cousin's son's funeral tomorrow and would not be at church. Her daughter, Sheri, and one of her sons will be there too. She felt she should go. It's family, after all, and she has little family left. .
I noticed it was over 80 degrees outside but the grass was dry so I mowed the front and 3/4 of the side yard before I played out. This is the front.

I think it will rain tonight so it may be a few days before I can finish the side and then do the back. We are forecast for rain all next week... the last time I checked this morning. At least the front is done and this part of the side. I am drinking water like mad now. I was sweating like a horse awhile ago.This is the part of the side I finished before I wore out.

I just finished my yogurt awhile ago. That will be my supper.
Scott, my younger so, and his wife, Ginger, went to Provo Utah to do a marathon. Scott had hurt a foot and had to stop at the 19 mile but Ginger finished her first 26 mile marathon. How about that!

I am so proud of them both!
I went back out about 7:45PM and it had cooled down to 84 with a light breeze and I finished the side yard and mowed the back. Finished for another week! Now I am ready for my bath. it is 8:20PM
I will take my bath at 8:30PM and prepare to go to bed about 9:00PM or so!.