Saturday, July 30, 2022

Saturday and Rain

I  slept well last night and was up at my usual 5:00AM. It is 6:24AM now and I am dressed and ready for the day, It rained last night because the sidewalks are wet. I don't know how much rain we got because I evidently slept right through it.  It doesn't appear to be raining now.  I am here in the den having my breakfast.

I will go  turn on the TV and check on the cats now. I will get back to this in a little while. I checked on the cats and they were not out there. The street shows we had a little rain though not much. I missed the weather forecast but will get back in there before 6:38AM when the weather may be shown.

I finally reached "the weather on the 8's" and sure enough, we are forecast for rain today and tomorrow. It will be 80 degrees today with that rain, 91 degrees tomorrow with AM thunderstorms, Monday will be 97 degrees mostly sunny weather. Tuesday is to be back to 100 degrees and sunny, Wednesday is to be 101 degrees and mostly sunny, Thursday is to be 100 degrees and mostly sunny, Friday is to be 100 degrees and mostly sunny. That's the week ahead. Back to 100 degree weather and, of course, we will be into August by that time. 

Still no cats out there..... and it isn't raining right now. It's 7:01AM now.

And I balanced my checkbook again. Thank goodness!! And it's raining again! Thank goodness even more!!

I have been watching the Saturday CBS news. I much prefer the weekend CBS news and evening CBS news. I don't care for the morning CBS news during the week. After that I prefer Good Morning America on Saturdays. I don't care for the local channel 6 news either. I guess I prefer network news. So much for my news preferences...:)

I still have not seen any of the cats.. but of course, it's raining again.

I wrote the August rent check and took it over to Stephen's apartment. It's not due until the 1st but I wanted to get it paid before I spent it inadvertently.

It continues to rain here..thank goodness. I see the rain is running over the guttering. The guttering must be full of leaves. It's sure not draining through the downspout.

More even later.. .It's 8:11AM now.

I read until about 11:00AM and then I went to the Caney Market and bought bread and juice. I was completely out of bread and nearly out of juice. It is       still raining so I took my umbrella. It was awkward balancing that while carrying two sacks of  groceries. I tried to call Denise, my niece, to see if she would like have lunch at Coffeyville's Eggbert's again but she was not home  I just decided to fix a TV dinner here at home. It is still raining although not hard....but steady.. and has all morning. I will definitely not have to water today.

I will just eat a frozen meal and then get back to my book on the Kindle.

Denise finally called me and I told her I couldn't reach her earlier. She says she often just doesn't hear her phone when she isn't in the same room. She had already eaten earlier because she had had an early breakfast. She took a rain- check. We will do it another day.

So more even more later... 

I got back to my book and finished it. I think for a change, I will do a picture puzzle again. I have plenty of them that Carol sent to me and one or two that I got at the senior center.

I don't know that I have ever had to give up on a jigsaw puzzle before, But this one was impossible. I took out the border first and as usual I brought the picture of what t was supposed to look like and separated out the colors and then began to put the border together. None of the border pieces fit together nicely and no matter which ones I tried to fit together, none of them did. After two hours, I finally just gave up and put it away. I was very frustrated with it. I will just download another book and go back to reading. It's 4:34PM now and I will just wait  until 5:30PM and catch the CBS evening news.

I ended up just having a TV dinner and that filled me up.  And the rain has stopped now. The sun is not out yet but it's overcast out there.

More even later..

I have been watching a TV show I had recorded. It's 6:35PM now and I will soon take my bath and put my pajamas on and perhaps read again until my bedtime at 9:00PM. I downloaded two new books on my Kindle.

How about that! Scruff finally came this evening and evidently was very hungry! She ate quite a bit very fast and then disappeared again. I brought the food in the garage before the ants found it. 

It's 8:35PM and I am tired and think I will just go on to bed.I haven't done very much of anything today but I am already tired so I will just go on to bed. 


Friday, July 29, 2022

Friday and No Particular Plan.

I had a hard time sleeping last night and finally just got up in the middle of the night and worked on the computer to get the bulletin ready for Leslie to print off for my August 21st sermon. There was no more sleeping. I will get dressed shortly and get myself ready for the day.

I am hoping for more rain today. We certainly need it.

More later..after I'm dressed.

I'm dressed now and ready for the day. I don't really have a plan for today. The apartment is clean and the weather is cooler. If it doesn't rain today I will have to water the flowerbeds and hanging plants again. 

Both cats came for their breakfast this morning but Blondie just ate a little and left. Scruff stayed a little longer and ate but now she is gone too. I imagine she is under the hedge waiting to eat some more when she is ready to do it.

I caught the weather easily this morning.Today is to be 85 degrees and rain, Saturday 79 degrees and rain, Sunday 91 degrees and AM thunderstorms, Monday 94 degrees and mostly sunny, Tuesday 99 degrees and sunny, Wednesday will be 99 degrees and sunny Thursday 99 degrees and mostly sunny.  So it will be back to the heat after the next three days. Drat! Well.. we still have all of August to go before it begins to be more moderate.

I have been reading all afternoon and didn't even eat lunch but I finished my book and started another. It is 4:06PM now. In a little while I will turn on the CBS evening news. That comes on at 5:30PM.

More even later...   

I am having another peanut butter and jelly sandwich for supper. I seem to be making a habit of peanut and butter and jelly sandwiches lately. That's alright. I like them.  

It's 5:17PM now and the CBS evening news will be on at 5:30PM. Then at 6:00PM, I will take my bath and read some more until bedtime at 9:00PM or so..



Thursday, July 28, 2022

Thursday and Apartment Cleaning

I didn't sleep quite as well last night. I don't know why. I didn't go to bed as late as I have been so maybe that has something to do with it. I don't believe it rained last night either. It was forecast for this morning. When it gets light it will be interesting to check that out. 

I have just eaten my breakfast although I was out of breakfast bars and had only oatmeal and am working on my coffee. The laptop computer was frozen this morning and I had to do a cold reboot to get it back up too. I started the blog on the desktop computer. It is 6:16AM and I will go check out the cats and see if they are out there for breakfast.

So more later... 

Well, it has been raining this morning. It doesn't appear  to be raining now though. The cats are not out there yet...maybe because of the rain. When I turned on the TV and to the weather channel,"the weather on the 8's" had just come on and so I grabbed my phone and caught a picture of it. 

Today is supposed to be 92 degrees and AM thunderstorms. Friday is forecast for 82 degrees and thunderstorms and Saturday 82 degrees and thunderstorms, and Sunday 88 degrees and AM thunderstorms.Monday is forecast for 95 degrees and partly cloudy,Tuesday the forecast is for  98 degrees and sunny and Wednesday 101 degrees and mostly sunny. It doesn't appear the cooler weather (if you can call it that) will last long.

I went ahead and wrote the August rent check. I will get it to Stephen when I next see him. 

It is nearly 7:00AM now. It still is not raining but it has been. The sidewalks are wet but the cats are not out there yet. It's only 77 degrees out there this morning. Nice morning...but I wish it would rain again. We sure need it. 

More later... 

Dean wants to read the book I just finished called "Lincoln Street". The author is from Coffeyville and grew up there. His name is Don Burgess. He went on to become a twice Pulitzer Prize winning author. I will send it to him when the post office opens. Burgess lives in Texas now. 

I got the book to Dean in the mail. Then I went out to Dollar General and bought breakfast bars and Kleenex. 

Scott called and visited with me for a long while. I finally had to get off the phone and recharge it.

I got the mopping done earlier and I just now got everything  back to where it belongs after that. Now I need to begin my vacuuming. So once again, I will get back to this after I get the bedroom and hall and den vacuumed. I always take a break after that much is finished.

O.K. I got the bedroom and den and hall vacuumed and all I need to do now is the living room and dining room. I will rest awhile now and finish after I get my  breath again. 

I always have to move the chairs out of the dining room and into the living room and kitchen to vacuum the dining room. I really am not supposed to lift those chairs they are so heavy. But I can't vacuum there without getting them out of the way so I just bite the bullet and do it anyhow. If my surgeon knew, she would have a fit.

The cats never came for a meal. It has drizzled off and on all morning. I think it's stopped now. But it is forecast for the next three days. We need it badly. Our yards are all mostly yellow and the ground in the back is cracked...especially near the apartment and the fence. It's 10:25AM now 

So More Later...

I finished my vacuuming and it's 11:15AM now and I am having my lunch. Instead of eating out, I will have a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Peanut butter has lots of protein in it. The jelly is sparse so not a lot of calories either.  The only thing a sandwich doesn't have is veggies or fruit but I take a multivitamin every day so I am making up for some of that. I could not cook for one. I don't like the idea of eating the same thing for a week like Karan does. That's why I eat out a couple of times a week. Once is usually at Sonic where I get their kids Wacky Pack on Wednesday's for $2.18. That's two chicken strips and tater tots and a tiny Coke. It fills me up.

I got my mail and received the shade for my visor to keep the sun out of my eyes when I drive early mornings.I read their directions several times but never did come to understand how to install it. Finally I called  Leslie to see if she was home and if I could come out there and see if it would make sense to her. The pictures to the directions were too dark to make out. Finally she googled it on her phone and a man on u-tube showed how to do it. She went out to my car and put it right on. The only problem is it is too high to do any good for me at  5ft. 3 1/2 in. tall. It was even too tall for Leslie who is probably 5 ft.7in. tall. Maybe John can use it. He is 6 ft.2 in. tall. I will offer it to him or Kelly who is even taller.

It's 5:02PM now and the news will be on in almost 30 minutes. 

The cats never did show up today. I hope they are both all right.

I heard on NPR that thousands of people have stopped watching the news and the don't know why. I know why. They are sick and tired of eight commercials every few minutes at commercial breaks. Most of those commercials are for pharmaceuticals and we are all appalled at the cost of our meds. When I was working in Radio selling radio commercials back in the 80's, each thirty second ad on TV was $275.  And that was back in the 80's. Imagine what those companies are paying now. And guess who is actually paying for them....we are. our pharmacies.

At 6:25PM I will take my bath and put my pajamas on and read until 9:00PM when I plan to go to bed. I am very tired this evening.

More Later...


Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Wednesday and Game Day at the Senior Center

I slept well again last night and was up at 5:00AM.I made my bed and got myself ready for the day. I will get my hair done at 9:00AM this morning and then go Wal Mart and get three groceries I can't get at the Caney Market and then to the library to take their book back and to read until time for game day at the senior center at 1:00 PM.

It's 6:00AM now and the cats may be out there waiting for their breakfast. I will go check in a little while and also turn on the TV and watch for "the weather on the 8's". 

I will get back to this in a little while.

More later.... 

Both cats were out there waiting for their breakfast so I took their food out to them. Blondie didn't eat very much and was gone. I imagine he eats at home and just uses my cat food for dessert...or to spite Scruff. She ate more but is gone to lie under hedge where it is cooler now. If I take it in, she will come back out to eat more.  I hope the ants don't find it soon.

The weather forecast didn't run at 6:28 so I will need to wait to try to get it again at 6:38AM. It didn't run on 6:28AM either. I will have to wait and see is it comes on at 6:48AM. 

I caught it this time. Today's forecast is to be 98 degrees and partly cloudy, Thursday's is to be 92 degrees and AM thunderstorms, Friday's is to be 82 degrees and thunderstorms, Saturday's is to be 80 degrees and scattered thunderstorms, Sunday's is to be 90 degrees and AM thunderstorms, Monday's is to be 95 degrees and partly cloudy, 99 degrees and partly cloudy.

It sounds like we will finally get some rain this week....starting tomorrow.

I just watered both flowerbeds and the two hanging plants too. It's 82 degrees now at 7:11AM. 

I left at 8:15AM for the beauty shop. I stopped first at Sonic and bought a cherry limeade slush. It was plenty hot out. Then I went to my appointment with Toni. 

From the beauty shop  I went out to Walmart and bought the three things I needed and could not get at the Caney Market.

I need to go out to the Dollar Dollar General store here and get breakfast bars. I ate the last one I had this morning before I had my oatmeal. And that was the last of my oatmeal at breakfast this morning. I bought the Oatmeal Variety Pack at Walmart along with my facial cleanser.

I killed some time looking around in the two antique malls. About 12:30, I went to the Senior Center and read where it was cool until 1:00PM and game day started. We had a good time. There were four of us. Karan won all three games. This was her 80th birthday. After that, I came on back home.

More later.... 

It's 6:47PM and I am going to take my bath. Then I may read some more until 9:00PM or so. 

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Tuesday and A New Webcam

 I slept well again last night. The new fan seems to make all the difference in the world. I was just up one time in the night, took my meds and got right back to sleep. I dressed and got myself ready for the day and am having my breakfast here in the den.

I don't really have a plan for today. I used to see Nancy on Tuesday but the beautician there at Green Country Village where she lives now wants to do her hair on Tuesday afternoon so several weeks ago, I changed my visiting day to Monday. Unfortunately the woman either won't work her in or Nancy is sleeping and is not dressed and refuses to get around and go to the beauty parlor. That may be correct. She is always asleep when I go to visit  her and I have to wake her up and have her get dressed so we can visit and then go eat somewhere. 

But Leslie and John are going to come by this morning and Leslie is going to help me install the new webcam on the desktop computer. I can't hold the computer and plug in the webcam at the same time because the console sets in a cabinet with doors. They are going to go to Bartlesville to Lowe's and I am on the way.

The laptop computer can no longer open Zoom for some strange reason. It can't find it when I try to open it. It was working fine for months but suddenly it doesn't recognize Zoom. I don't know what changed. I have been having to use the desktop computer and the webcam I bought for it just months ago burned out for some reason. Always a mystery.

More later..I had better go check on the cats. It's 6:09AM now and they are probably out there waiting. 

Sure enough they were both out there so I took their food out to them and got back in the living room in time to get "the weather on the 8's". It will be 108 degrees today and partly cloudy. Wednesday will be 101 degrees and partly cloudy and Thursday will be 92 degrees with scattered thunderstorms, and Friday will be 84 degrees with scattered thunderstorms, Saturday is forecast for 84 degrees and scattered thunderstorms, and Sunday is to be 89 degrees and scattered thunderstorms. Maybe we will get some relief from this heat.

Both cats have eaten and are gone. Scruff is probably under the hedge and will come back for more in time. I don't want the ants in that cat food so I will keep my eye on it.

I brought the cat food into the garage and covered it. The ants were going to get in it. 

I watered the plants...both flowerbeds and the two hanging plants. 

More later....

I don't know when John and Leslie will be here. It's only 8:15AM and Lowe's doesn't open for awhile. It may be 10:00AM until they come or even later. 

I am having another sneezing occurrence. I may have sneezed 12 times one right after another.  I am allergic to this world.

It's 8:17AM right now. More later..

Leslie got my new webcam installed on the desktop. She tried to download a new version of Zoom on the laptop but it still would not recognize Zoom...even the new one. So at least I have one with a webcam on the desktop.

We went to Copan Restaurant for lunch afterward. I wanted to buy lunch since she did all that work for me. She finally let me.

Now I will go back to my book after I open my junk mail.

More later....

I finished my book and went to bed around 10:00PM


Monday, July 25, 2022

Monday and a Visit With Nancy

I slept longer last night. I think it was 5:20AM before I got up this morning. I made my bed and got myself ready for the day.. Then I went to the living room and opened the front door to find both cats out there waiting for me to bring out their breakfast. I took it out to them and Blondie appeared to finish first and left. I imagine he had been fed at home. Scruff is still out there. She is still eating from time to time but just sitting out under the hedge now letting what she has already eaten settle. I will leave it for awhile but I don't want the ants to find it.

It's only 6:31AM so the weather isn't on yet.  It didn't run after this latest commercial. Evidently I will have to wait until 6:38 for it. That's why they call it "the weather on the 8's". I only hope we will get rain this week as it was forecast yesterday.

Before it gets hot, I need to go out and pick up all those leaves from the trimming of the trees yesterday evening. I had raked them up into piles after Stephen finished.

It's 7:09AM and I got all those piles of leaves into a yard bag while it is still cooler. The yard looks much better and so do those trees.

I am eating my breakfast now...much later then usual.

So more later.... 

The weather just came on and I got it on my camera. 

Today is supposed to be 106 degrees and partly cloudy. It's a good thing I got those leaves picked up early. .

Tuesday is suppose to be 108 degrees and partly cloudy,  Wednesday is to be 101 degrees and partly cloudy, Thursday 92 degrees and scattered thunderstorms. Friday 84 degrees and scattered thunderstorms, Saturday 84 degrees and scattered thunderstorms. And Sunday 89 degrees and scattered thunderstorms. At least there is some rain in the forecast and a little cooler temps.

My next job is to water my plants. 

I got all my plants watered..both front and back and the two hanging plants too. That should do until this evening when I will water them again.The watering is the only thing keeping them alive at all. I am hoping we get the rain in the forecast later in the week. The yard is in terrible shape..dry and yellow and the ground is cracking everywhere. I am not watering. The City of Caney bill is already way too high.   

I balanced my checkbook this morning too.

It's 8:00AM now. I will leave for Bartlesville to visit Nancy at 10:00AM and take her to lunch today at noon. 

It's 9:21AM now.

I am starting a load of laundry...towels and underwear and my pajamas.. I will see it put in the dryer before I leave for Bartlesville. 

So more even later..

After I got my laundry in the dryer, I left for Bartlesville and to visit Nancy. We had a good visit and then at noon we went to lunch at their Eggbert's.

Then we went to a Dollar General store in Dewey and bought Nancy a new toothbrush and toothpaste. She had broken her toothbrush and was also out of toothpaste. Next week I will bring her back to Caney to have lunch. That way she can see all kinds of folks she has known all her life. She is so lonely and wants to go home badly. Of course, her house is for sale and besides, she would be in that large house alone. If anything happened to her she would not be able to get help. She will be 88 in November and she needs to be where she is....not alone. She doesn't even have a cell phone.

I have three kids who love me and care about me and call me at least every couple of weeks. I am so fortunate and I realize that. David is her only child and he never even calls her. He sees her once a year.

More even later... 

It's 7:31PM and I have just had my bath. I will read the book Bob Avery had borrowed from me about Coffeyville and plan to go to bed around 9:00PM.

Denise brought it back to me last week when we had lunch. Luckily it had my name in it.

Sunday, July 24, 2022

Sunday and Church

I slept well again last night. That ceiling fan seems to help. It circulates the air and for some reason, that helps me sleep.

I am having my breakfast here in the den. I was up at 5:00AM as usual. I have dressed and got myself ready for church. I weighed this morning and I have lost nine pounds this summer. It must be the heat. And at camp, I asked to be served a serving like it was for a five year old. Anyway that may have helped me to not gain weight that week. That was my intent anyhow.

It's 5:56AM right now. As soon as it gets light out I will go water the flowers, check the weather forecast and see to the cats...if they are out there. I hope we have a decent sized group at church today. Afterward I will see if Phyllis wants to go to Just Us for lunch. Then I will come back home. Stephen will be coming this afternoon to trim those trees back.

Last night I had a Cox Complete Care tech download on both computers so I could change my e-mail password. It quit working yesterday evening.  I think it's working this morning and I will check that out in a minute.

Sure's working fine this morning.

More Later.... 

Today we are under a heat advisory.Today will be 106 degrees and partly cloudy, Monday will be 105 degrees and partly cloudy, Tuesday is forecast for 107 degrees and partly cloudy, Wednesday is to be 101 degrees and isolated thunderstorms, Thursday 93 degrees and scattered thunderstorms, Friday 86 degrees and showers, Saturday 87 degrees and scattered thunderstorms. That end of the week sounds hopeful for a break in the heat.

Scruff came for breakfast this morning. I haven't seen Blondie yet this morning. She ate awhile and then went under the hedge to rest and will probably come back and eat some more if I go out there to take in the cat food.

It's 6:32AM  right now and I will leave for church about  10:00AM. I will want to check for any need to clean a little. It sets empty all week but the walks always need to be swept and some small bugs usually get in under the door to the hall.

Sure enough..she came back for more food. She is looking around for Blondie but he has not come this least not yet.

I will leave the laptop in the den this morning. 

Blondie finally came for his breakfast and Scruff came back again to join him. They are out there together eating now. I also went out and picked up some more leaves from the back yard and watered both front and back flowerbeds. I know the picking up leaves is a lost cause but it is good exercise for me. Besides it's not hot yet this morning.

It's 8:50AM and I am sneezing my head off. My allergies are going crazy this morning and I am keeping the Kleenex box busy. I will leave here at 10:00AM and go to the church to check it out.

So more even later..

I left a little early to get gas at Woodshed in South Coffeyville.   It was $3.99 for a change..a little bit lower then usual. 

Then I went on out to church and did some cleaning. There were quite a few bugs that had crawled under the door. I swept those out of the foyer and also off the walk.

Leslie gave a great presentation on the Spectacular, (complete with videos and photos), that she had attended in Lamona, Iowa at Graceland University this past week as a sponsor. There were 200 kids that attended. Before the pandemic, there were 1,000 that attended. But they didn't hold it the past two years because of the pandemic. All that attended had to wear face masks and be fully vaccinated. But they all had a wonderful time! The theme was "Together"!

Phyllis and I went to Just Us for lunch and had a fine dinner. 

I am anticipating Stephen coming to take care of the tree limb situation. He is going to trim off the low hanging limbs. They interfere with the person mowing. 

I don't know when he gets off work.

I sent out letters to the members of the congregation who were missing at church today. I usually send bulletins with them but we did not have bulletins because of the nature  of the service. There were five missing.

It's 5:19PM and I have been reading my library book this afternoon. In a little while I will watch 60 Minutes or record it to watch later.

So more later...

Stephen came after his work and trimmed up both trees. He did a good job. After he finished I went out and did some raking. I may pick up the piles after it cools off tomorrow evening. It got dark this evening before I could get the piles picked up and put in a yard bag.  I will take my bath now and get my pajamas on and my robe and get back to my book. Maybe I can clean  that up tomorrow evening before dark. I have some plastic gloves I can wear to pick up the piles of leaves. Or I might just mow them and empty the mower bag into the yard bag. I will work that out tomorrow.

I will be going to Bartlesville to visit Nancy tomorrow.