Saturday, February 11, 2023

Saturday and Finish Dusting

I slept really well last night and only woke up once and took my meds and I was up at my usual 5:00AM. I made my bed and dressed and got myself ready for the day. I see it's 32 degrees out there this morning again....too cold to take my walk again. I am having my breakfast here in the den. I briefly checked the front door but there were no cats yet. It's only 5:45AM so it's a little early for them. Usually they are here after 6:00AM if they come at all. When I finish my breakfast, I will take the laptop computer in the living room and check on the weather too.

The weather just came on so I took my phone in the living  room and caught "the weather on the 8's" .Today is to be 52 degrees and sunny, Sunday is to be 61 degrees and partly cloudy, Monday is to be 61 degrees and mostly sunny, Tuesday is to be 61 degrees and thunderstorms and wind. Wednesday is to be 66 degrees and partly cloudy, Thursday is to be 34 degrees and mostly cloudy, Friday is to be 43 degrees and sunny. Tuesday looks like the only day for rain and that includes wind.

I will check on the cats again now. 

No cats yet! But it's 24 degrees out there at 6:02AM. It's supposed to warm up to 52 degrees. If that happens, I will try to take my walk after all.  It will just be later.

Both cats came for their breakfast and ate quite a lot for them. When they left, I took the cat food back to the garage and covered it up. 

Then I picked up the second book and read until 8:30AM. I am not particularly interested in the second book.

It is still 25 degrees out there so I won't take my walk yet. It is 8:35AM now. I still have time for it to warm up.

I read after I had some more of mu soup for lunch and then it warmed up enough for me to take my mile walk. I could sure tell it had been awhile since I had done that. But I did get another full grocery sack of trash along the streets I walked. 

It's really aggravating! These folks, mostly kids, and smokers evidently have little pride in their community.

It's 2:48PM now and the temperature is up to 48 degrees. That's an improvement!

I read all afternoon and watched the golf tournament and the CBS evening news and finally about 6:00PM, I took my bath and put my pajamas and robe on and prepare to read some more. I plan to go on to bed at 9:00PM. I hope I sleep as well as I have the past two nights.

It's 44 degrees and 6:57PM now according to the computers. I am glad I got my walk done today.


Friday, February 10, 2023

Friday and Dusting

I slept very well last night and was up only once in the night. Then I got right back to sleep. I finally got up at 5:15AM and made my bed, dressed and got myself ready for the day. I will dust the apartment today. That won't take long and then I will read.

I finished the first library book yesterday evening before the Betterment meeting and took the book to the library and put it in the book drop. Then I started the second book.

I will fix my breakfast in a little while and then check on the cats too. I don't know what the weather is today but I will check after I eat my breakfast.

I tried to access Keith's blog last evening but was not able to with either computer. It may be down. 

More Later...I want to get my breakfast... 

I had my breakfast this morning and both cats were out there for theirs too. I fed them and they finished pretty quickly and left. I brought the cat food back in the garage and covered it. I don't want the birds into it again.  It's 33 degrees out there this morning at 6:43AM. Pretty brisk!

Today will be 42 degrees and AM clouds  and PM sun, Saturday is to be 52 degrees and sunny,  Sunday is to be 58 degrees and partly cloudy, Monday is to be 58 degrees and partly cloudy, Tuesday is to be 59  degrees and thundershowers and wind, Wednesday is to be 66 degrees and mostly sunny, Thursday is to be 36 degrees and partly cloudy and windy. Tuesday appears to be the only rain in the week. 

Leslie came to show me how to get the filter out of the cordless sweeper she gave me for Christmas. After we cleaned the filter and got it back in the sweeper, she took me to lunch at Copan Restaurant. Then she brought me home. I went over to Sally's and left her a note on her front door to call me about coming over to watch the Superbowl with me on Sunday. She was not home yet. Her car was not there. She sometimes stays in Bartlesville at her daughter's over the weekends so I may not hear from her.  I tried to call her first...on her home phone as well as her cell phone. I left a message on her home phone. She doesn't know how to answer her cell phone. :)

I will go back to my book now. Sally called me back after I left a note on her front door. I invited her to come over Sunday evening and watch the Superbowl with me and she accepted. She will come over about 5:15PM Sunday evening and will bring treats. I will have popcorn here and perhaps some coffeecake from Sunday's breakfast at church.

More Even Later

I took my bath at 7:00PM and put my pajamas and robe on and read until 8:45PM and by then I was ready to go to bed at 9:00PM.


Thursday, February 9, 2023

Thursday and Apartment Cleaning

I slept pretty well last night and only woke up once and took my meds then and got right back to sleep. For some reason, I seem to be sleeping better but I hope I'm not speaking too soon. Anyhow, I have made my bed, dressed and got myself ready for the day and even made my breakfast and am eating it here in the den. In a little bit, I will go check on the weather and the cats. It is 5:37AM now and may be too early for the cats. For some reason, the desktop computer is having problems finding anything, There is just the little blue circle in the center of a blank  screen. I shut it down cold and have rebooted it. It seems to be working now. Yesterday's blog is up now. Weird! Now today's starting blog is on there. I don't know what the problem was but it seems to be working now.  I will try Outlook and see if the e-mail is working.

Outlook seemed to be working alright, Hopefully rebooting..even a cold reboot must have fixed whatever that was. 

More later... 

I am watching the weather channel now. It is 6:12AM and 36 degrees out there and I just checked on the cats. They were not out there. Maybe's pretty early yet.

I did catch the weather forecast. Today will be 51 degrees and mostly sunny,  Friday is to be 43 degrees and partly cloudy, Saturday is to be 50 degrees and sunny. Sunday is to be 56 degrees and partly cloudy, Monday is to be 57 degrees and mostly sunny, Tuesday is to be 56degresand rain, Wednesday is to be 73 degrees and mostly sunny. I think we are to have  a 50% chance of snow tonight.  And we are supposed to have rain next Tuesday. We had rain yesterday and last night.

Blondie showed up for his breakfast. I didn't see anything of Scruff.  It's been 34 degrees here this morning and it's 9:24AM now. Pretty brisk!. It may snow tonight according to the weather channel.

I  got all the bare floors mopped and the bedroom, hall and den vacuumed. I am resting now but will soon vacuum the dining room and living room. I will dust tomorrow. 

The dryer just went off.  I was running it on "fresh air" to get the dust out of the throw rugs.

I'd better get those throw rugs on the floors again and finish the vacuuming. 

I got the vacuuming finished and the battery is charging on the vacuum. I need to figure out how to get that filter out and clean it. I'll get the instruction booklet out.

I had some of that broccoli Cheese soup I made last week for lunch and afterward I started reading on one of the books I checked out at the library today. About 3:00PM, I stopped reading and put away the vacuum sweeper after it finished charging.

Leslie is coming over at 10:00AM in the morning and helping me with the vacuum sweeper. I could never figure out how to get the filter and the dust cup out to clean them. I read the directions several times but they didn't make any sense to me.

More Later...

Tonight I plan to attend Danny's Betterment meeting at City Hall here at 6:30PM.

I went to he Caney Betterment meeting this evening and afterward joined the group. It was 7:51PM when I got home.

Now I will take my bath and put my pajamas and robe on and read awhile.... until regular bedtime.


Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Wednesday and a Hair Appointment

I slept well last night and was up a little early to check out my social security deposit. It was there and just in time. I was nearly completely broke. My water bill with trash collection cost is due tomorrow. I will take that check to City Hall this morning when I leave for Coffeyville for my hair appointment. I have to pay all my utilities here. In Coffeyville, at the fourplex, I only had to pay the electric bill. And my rent was $50.00 cheaper there too.

When I opened the front door a little bit ago, both cats were out there to eat their breakfasts. I took it out to them and they ate a lot. They must have been very hungry. Both are gone now and soon I will take the cat food back in the garage and cover it.

I caught the weather forecast too and I will post the week's forecast as soon as I get my Chai Latte.

Today is to be 45 degrees and rain, tomorrow is to be 51 degrees and mostly sunny, Friday is to be 43 degrees and AM clouds and PM sun, Saturday is to be 50 degrees and sunny,  Sunday is to be 56 degrees and partly cloudy, Monday is to be 52 degrees and few showers, Tuesday will be 52 degrees and showers. It looks like we may get some much needed rain this next week.

More later... I did take the cat food in the garage and cover it.

Then I discovered I was offline again.This happened yesterday and I had no internet for half a day.For what I have to pay for a very basic TV and internet  I should be able to depend on them. I have had problems with my TV tearing from time to time and  was without the internet for a week last November. Then yesterday I was without it half a day again. The only good thing about my Cox is Cox Complete Care. That I seem to be able to depend on. The only other thing I can depend on with it is they will constantly try to raise my rate.  I have the very basic TV. It shouldn't have to cost me an arm and a leg!

I have been watching the CBS news. It's almost 8:00AM now and I am going to leave for  my hair appointment in Coffeyville. I want to go to the bank first and also get something to drink at Sonic. I was going to get gas afterward but it was misting and I did not want my hair to get messed up. So I will do that another time. I still have half a tank of gas. I did stop at Country Mart and buy my coffeecake mix.  I will make it up again next Sunday. I took my umbrella in with me...just in case!

And I did that...Toni came to the shop soon after I got there and took me on in. She wants me to come at 9:00AM next week. That gives her 30 minutes to work out. She tries to stay in shape. She's a very attractive woman. Then the following week when I get my color and cut, she wants me to come at 8:30AM again. She has this schedule down to a fine art.

She got my hair done and I got a cherry limeade slush at Sonic. I sipped on it on the way home.  

I later had a small chef salad at Eggbert's for my lunch.

I read all afternoon and finished the second book I had taken out at the library. I took it up to the book drop at the library and put it in. Then I went out to Sonic and bought a small cup of ice cream.

It has rained all day. It is 6:39PM now. Before I went for the ice cream I watched the CBS news. 

At 7:00PM I will take my bath and put my pajamas on and my robe and maybe watch TV if I can find anything of interest. I plan to go to bed at 9:00PM as usual.

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Tuesday and Cookies to Independence

I slept well again last night. I was up once in the night and took my two meds and then got right back to bed and back to sleep. Then I finally got up at usual time to rise. I made my bed and dressed and got myself ready for the day. I will go over to church this morning and see if there are any more cookies there in the frig. If not, I will take what I have on up to the Independence First Christian Church for their dinner today. It's 5:49AM now and the computer says it's 42 degrees.

I am eating my breakfast here in the den now, 

I will leave for the church and Independence  shortly before 9:00AM 

I caught the "weather on the 8's" and there is going to be rain today, Wednesday and Monday. We need rain but I don't particularly like to drive in it. Today will be 49 degrees and rain, Wednesday will be 44 degrees and rain, Thursday 53 degrees and partly cloudy, Friday is to be 44 degrees and mostly sunny, Saturday is to be 52 degrees and sunny, Sunday is to be 57 degrees and mostly cloudy, and Monday is to be 59 degrees and PM showers. So rain much of this week.

Now I will check for the cats.

Both cats were out there waiting for their breakfasts. I took it out to them and they are eating hungrily. I have no idea where they have been eating when they don't come here. Probably they eat birds. I don't think anyone else feeds them except perhaps the family second from the corner of State and 8th. Their child claims Blondie but they have a different name for him. I forget what they call him. I only heard it once. I see they both have finished eating and left. After if I see if they are really finished,  I will go bring the cat food back in the garage and cover it.

When I was ready to work on my blog this morning after I got home from Independence, I found neither computer had any internet access. I called Cox and told them about it and they said the entire neighborhood was down and they were working on it and I should have access by 2:00PM. I tried it at 1:50PM and I still had no access. So..I called Cox again. Everyone else had access except me. The tech I spoke to said he would send me a signal and see if that would hook me up. That worked. I thanked hm for his help and went back to this blog.

I read this afternoon and took my first book to the book drop. Now I am working on the second one.I will get back to it until the news comes on.

More Later... 

I watched the CBS News and it was horrendous between the earthquakes and the war and politics

I will soon take my bath and put my pajamas on and my robe.. I hope to catch Biden's speech this evening. He's not the sharpest president we ever had but he is 50 X better then Trump.Trump lost me first when he told a reporter how he could do anything he wanted to a woman when he got them into his motor home. Then his constant lies and the denial of the seriousness of the Coved just sealed the deal for me. I voted for Biden. I wouldn't vote for Trump for dog catcher. And the fiasco at the capitol just sealed the deal again. And I have been a lifelong Republican. But I always vote for the man... not the party. I voted for the first Bush but nothing would make me vote for Shrub..his son. I didn't vote for tricky Dick (Nixon) either. 

Oh well, I will go take my bath now. I plan to go to bed at 9:00PM.

Monday, February 6, 2023

Monday and a Trip to See Nancy

I slept well last night and was up at my usual 5:00AM and stripped my bed, changed my sheets and started my laundry. It's in the dryer now. Then I got myself ready for the day. I am having breakfast here in the den as usual. I checked on any cats but there were none out there. In a little bit I will check the weather forecast. When I checked for the cats, I noticed it had been raining. I thought it was supposed to start this evening. 

It's 53 degrees and the computer says "partly cloudy". It's 7:02AM now.

I will not take Nancy shopping today. Last Monday we couldn't find a thing that fit her. She tried on 12's, 14's, 16's, and 18's and nothing fit her. The only pants she is able to get into are XXL 20's. This from a woman who used to be a size  8.  They feed them starchy high calorie food. She didn't feel well to begin with and while we were in the store, it began to sleet. The clerk helped me get her back in the car. When we got back to the assisted living,  I parked under the carport there and helped her back into the lobby. She was exhausted and I asked the receptionist to have the nurse take her blood pressure and temperature.

More Later.. 

I opened the door again and Blondie was out there for his breakfast so I took it out to him. He ate quickly and left. I will leave the food out there for awhile.  Scruff may show up or even that black and white cat I saw a couple of days ago.

I saw birds eating on that cat food out there and so I took it back in the garage and covered it.  I don't mind feeding cats but I am not feeding cat food to birds.

I caught the weather forecast and here it is. 

Today will be 68 degrees  and mostly cloudy and windy, Tuesday will be 48 degrees and cloudy,  Wednesday should be 46 degrees and rain,  Thursday should be 52 degrees and mostly sunny, Friday should be 45 degrees and partly cloudy, Saturday should be 51 degrees and mostly sunny, and Sunday should be 56 degrees and partly cloudy. 

We can sure use whatever rain we can get! 

I got the laundry all dried, folded and put away for another week. It's 7:19AM now. I will wait until later to go down to Bartlesville to see Nancy.. probably close to 10:00AM. She is always in bed sleeping no matter what time I get there. I have to get her up and help her get dressed and brush her hair.

More Later...

On my way down to see Nancy, Keith called to tell me they will be leaving in five weeks to spend three years in Germany. They are thrilled about it. I am a little concerned unless they do get back two or three times a year to visit as he says they will. They will have a wonderful time..I am sure...get to see the world over that period of time.

I took Nancy to eat at the Tyro Restaurant. We had their vegetable beef soup. It was very usual. 

I got her back to her assisted living by 3:15PM and then came on back home. 

It is 4:10PM now and I believe I will read awhile.

More later...

I watched the news and then read until 6:48PM and then decided to take my bath and get my clean pajamas on and perhaps read some more until 9:00PM when I plan to go to bed. 

It has been a big day...I am pretty tired.


Sunday, February 5, 2023

Sunday and Breakfast at Church

I slept like a log and didn't wake up at all during the night.I finally got up at 5:45AM, made my bed, dressed and got myself ready for the day. Then I got my coffeecake mixed up and in the oven. I haven't had breakfast and I won't have it here this morning since we are having breakfast at church at 10:00AM.

I was exhausted last night. I took my bath and went right to bed at midnight and didn't wake up until I was ready to get up this morning. 

I checked for the cats but they weren't out there. Only Blondie came yesterday morning. I have no idea where Scruff has gone again.

More Later...I will take this laptop in the living room to watch for "the weather on the 8's".

The weather came on but I still have not seen the cats. Today is to be 62 degrees and mostly sunny, tomorrow is to be 67 degrees and clouds and wind. Tuesday is to be 45 degrees and rain, Wednesday is to be 45 degrees and rain,  Thursday is to be 54 degrees and mostly sunny, Friday is to be 62 degrees and  partly cloudy, and Saturday is to be 50 degrees and sunny. The rain is till in the forecast and we really need it.

More later...I will check on the cats again...

No, no cats yet!

The coffeecake is done, cooled and the glaze put on it. I have had my coffee and am now working on my Chai Latte. I want to check my bank account and see if my Amazon credit card was paid last night, No, not yet anyhow. Maybe during the day today it will be paid..or maybe Monday.

Blondie came for food just as I was getting ready to leave for church. I got him some food and sat it down by my front door and went ahead and left and just left it there.  I could tell more then one cat ate from it. I hope it was Scruff but it might have been that new black and white cat.

I left for church about 9:30AM to be there at 10:00AM. We had  a small group and just a couple of breakfast things... but enough for those of us there. I even had coffeecake left over.  John was there and Leslie was out of town....something to do with her new responsibility, I would guess.. Karan had a good sermon and John figured out the electronics for the projector after awhile. He is very smart and was able to do that with very little problem. It was a challenge to him and he was determined to teach himself how..and he did.

After church, Karan and Phyllis and I went to Eggbert's and had lunch and a good visit too. I got home about 2:30PM. Karan and I had both invited John to come with us but he had gone to Independence and had some deliveries to do this afternoon.

More even later...

Instead of reading this afternoon, I watched some TV. It's 6:48PM now and at 7:00PM, I will take my bath and get my pajamas on and my robe and get ready for bed at 9:00PM.