I slept really well last night and only woke up once and took my meds and I was up at my usual 5:00AM. I made my bed and dressed and got myself ready for the day. I see it's 32 degrees out there this morning again....too cold to take my walk again. I am having my breakfast here in the den. I briefly checked the front door but there were no cats yet. It's only 5:45AM so it's a little early for them. Usually they are here after 6:00AM if they come at all. When I finish my breakfast, I will take the laptop computer in the living room and check on the weather too.
The weather just came on so I took my phone in the living room and caught "the weather on the 8's" .Today is to be 52 degrees and sunny, Sunday is to be 61 degrees and partly cloudy, Monday is to be 61 degrees and mostly sunny, Tuesday is to be 61 degrees and thunderstorms and wind. Wednesday is to be 66 degrees and partly cloudy, Thursday is to be 34 degrees and mostly cloudy, Friday is to be 43 degrees and sunny. Tuesday looks like the only day for rain and that includes wind.
I will check on the cats again now.
No cats yet! But it's 24 degrees out there at 6:02AM. It's supposed to warm up to 52 degrees. If that happens, I will try to take my walk after all. It will just be later.
Both cats came for their breakfast and ate quite a lot for them. When they left, I took the cat food back to the garage and covered it up.
Then I picked up the second book and read until 8:30AM. I am not particularly interested in the second book.
It is still 25 degrees out there so I won't take my walk yet. It is 8:35AM now. I still have time for it to warm up.
I read after I had some more of mu soup for lunch and then it warmed up enough for me to take my mile walk. I could sure tell it had been awhile since I had done that. But I did get another full grocery sack of trash along the streets I walked.
It's really aggravating! These folks, mostly kids, and smokers evidently have little pride in their community.
It's 2:48PM now and the temperature is up to 48 degrees. That's an improvement!
I read all afternoon and watched the golf tournament and the CBS evening news and finally about 6:00PM, I took my bath and put my pajamas and robe on and prepare to read some more. I plan to go on to bed at 9:00PM. I hope I sleep as well as I have the past two nights.
It's 44 degrees and 6:57PM now according to the computers. I am glad I got my walk done today.