I'm not sure I'm going to exercises this morning. I will wait until closer to the time to make that decision. I woke up in the middle of the night in a sweat again and coughing again.
I have to go out to John and Leslie's at 4:00 this afternoon and stay with the girls until either John or Leslie come home from work. Jeromy and Marlene are taking another trip. I forget where this time. As it turned out, they didn't go to Colorado last time after all. I also forget where they did end up going.... if Leslie ever told me.
Missy is patiently waiting for me to go get her treats and food in the dish. And then, just as soon as it gets light, she will want to go outside. Early morning, around 7:00 is about the only time we can do that with this oppressive heat in the daytime.
I'll get back to this later.
I ate my breakfast of Greek yogurt with some of John and Leslie's peaches cut up in it. I had my juice and then I noticed I still had yesterday's meds laying out on the tea bag holder. I guess I forgot to take them yesterday. It was a busy day.
I'm going to the market this morning and will buy barbecue sauce among other things. We will have the rest of our pork roast on buns this time and perhaps with french fries. We also have Coke...a thoroughly unhealthy meal.
Bob texted me he would be over at 8:00 to read the paper before he leaves for exercise class.
I have watered all the flowers and also the tomato plant in the container that John and Leslie gave me. It is huge now and has at least a dozen cherry tomatoes on it. Of course, they are green but will ripen in awhile and we will have lots of tomatoes...if something unforeseen doesn't happen.
Missy is so happy to be outside. Awhile ago, that little stray male cat that is colored like she is, was across the street and she was growling and I thought she might go after him. I tried to make her go in the house but she would have none of it. She is too happy to be outside. To not abuse that privilege, she lies quietly on the doormat. She really wants to be outside while she can. It will be up in the upper nineties again today. This has been a scorcher of a week or two. We have been under a heat advisory all week.
More later...
About 8:00 I made Missy come in. It was terribly humid out there and I had had enough of the heat myself. I found this on PolitiFact.com this morning. You may want to check it out.
More fact-checks on the Orlando
We’ve spent this week
fact-checking more claims about the mass shooting in Orlando. The most
provocative claims have come from Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican
Let me briefly point you to
some highlights of our coverage.
We looked at the differences
between how Obama and Trump talk about terrorism and the phrase "radical
Islamic terrorism." We explained the different schools of thought on whether
to use that phrase or not.
While Trump dominated headlines
this week with his rhetoric, we remain committed to fact-checking all sides of
the debate. For the Democrats, we’ve fact-checked the following statements:
Democratic Congressman Alan
Grayson of Florida said that the rifle used in the Orlando killings
"shoots off 700 rounds in a minute." We rated that Mostly False.
President Obama said,
"We've seen more manufacturing jobs created since I've been president than
anytime since the 1990s. That's a fact." His comments leave out important
context, so we rated them Half True.
Thanks for reading PolitiFact.
More later...
We had the rest of Karan's pork roast shredded and I added barbecue sauce and fixed some french fries. We did have tea with it instead of soda. Then we had mixed fruit for dessert with a cookie.
Bob went home to take a nap and I took what was left of Karan's roast to her. She had buns and barbecue sauce so this made her lunch. We sure enjoyed that roast. I had cooked it in the slow cooker for eight hours initially so it literally fell apart.
Missy really wanted to go outside again but it's 93 degrees out there. So instead she is here behind me on the daybed taking her nap.
I have to remember to go out to John and Leslie's at 3:30 so I can get there by 4:00. The girls should be there shortly after that and I am to stay with them until either John and Leslie gets home from work.
More later...
I went out to church about 3:00 and left the two new doormats we bought while in Bartlesville yesterday. I picked up the old ones and put them in my trunk. I will try to clean them up and find a use for them if possible.
Jeromy, my grandson, got off a little early so he wanted me to drop by his house and pick up the girls and their luggage. I did that. We had a good time playing. They colored for awhile and then we played hide and seek. They enjoyed that. I was there two hours before John and Leslie got home.
When I got home, Bob came over and read the newspaper and watched the 6:00 news. Karan had given me some ice cream and we had a small bowl of that.
He left at 7:00 and I took my bath and Missy and I sat in the recliner until 9:00 and watched TV and then we went to bed. It was a big day.