Saturday, October 12, 2024

Saturday and a Busy Day

I was awake at 6:00AM, dressed, made my bed and got myself ready for the day. The first thing I did was get my bed made and make myself ready. I thought I might get my coffeecake made a day early and take it over to the church early tomorrow.

Karan will be presiding for church. John and Leslie won't be there. They will be going to Mapleton, KS, with the RV Association and painting their church. I am sure Woody and Jodie Wilson will be there too. Woody is in charge of the RV Association. Leslie has a video service ready for Karan to use and she will run the computer that will show that video for church. I think this is the first time Karan will have done that. It's good to have several people that can do that...just in case. Melissa and Kelly will not be there tomorrow either.

More Later . I have "the weather on the 8's" recorded. Here it is...Today is to be 95 degrees and mostly sunny. Tomorrow is to be 84 degrees and sunny, Monday is to be 71 degrees and sunny, Tuesday is to be 72 degrees and sunny, Wednesday is to be 70 degrees and sunny. Thursday is to be 76 degrees and sunny, Friday is to be 79 degrees and partly cloudy. That's the week! Every day except two is to be sunny and Friday is to be partly cloudy and Saturday is to be mostly sunny. The rest of the week is to be sunny. 

Soon I will check on the cats. If they are out front, they are probably very hungry. Seems they always are.

Grey and Blackie were the only two out I fed them. I am sure some others will be along later... There are usually six of them every day, sometimes twice a day..morning and evening.

More Even Later...

Friday, October 11, 2024

Friday and "The Weather on the 8's"

It's 5:48AM now and I have made my bed but still have to get my face made up. and get myself ready for the day.  I have been balancing my checkbook instead of getting myself ready for the day. I will get that done and then get back to this blog.

Well, I got that done and am ready for the day.

I even balanced my checkbook. Now I will go check on "the weather on the 8's " and the cats.

I found "the weather on the 8's" after I got my face made up. Then I checked on the cats.There were six out there...all Blondie yet. I  using all six dishes to feed those six cats.

Here's the weather forecast.

Today is to be 91 degrees and sunny, tomorrow is to be 94 degrees and sunny, Sunday is to be 84 degrees and partly cloudy, Monday is to be 71 degrees and sunny, Tuesday is to be 75 degrees and sunny, Wednesday is to be 75 degrees and sunny and Thursday is to be 81 degrees and sunny. That's the week! Every day is to be sunny except one and that is Sunday...which is to be partly cloudy.

There were six cats out there and I used all the dishes to feed them. Only one ate, left and walked away across the street.

More Later... 

I'd better get back in the living room and the front door. Yesterday the dog belonging to the neighbor to the south  carried off two of the bowls into their front yard and I had to go get them and take them in the house. I don't want to deal with that again today.

More Even Later ...

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Thursday and "the Weather on the 8's"

 It's Thursday and I just caught the weather forecast. I haven't opened the door yet to check on the cats. They will all be hungry when I do..I know.

Today is to be 87 degrees and partly cloudy, Friday is to be 90 degrees and sunny, Saturday is to be  93 degrees and sunny, Sunday is to be 86 degrees and partly cloudy, Monday is to be 73 degrees and partly cloudy and Tuesday is to be 73 degrees and sunny and Wednesday  is to be 74 degrees and sunny. Lots of sunshine this next week. Three days of partly cloudy and four days of sunny. That's the week!

More Later...

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Tuesday and a new Keurig

Yesterday afternoon I went up to Independence's Walmart store and bought a new Keurig to use to make Chai Latte. The old one I have had for years sprung a leak somehow and every time i wanted to use it I had to use paper towels to mop up the mess it made on the counter top. I decided it was time! They were on sale at Wal Mart there in Independence. They were $40.00. I could hardly beat the price. I brought it home and set it on the counter top where the old one had set. I was uncertain how to fill it with water though. The water reservoirs  were different. I called Leslie and asked her to drop by on her way to pick up Diana in Bartlesville and go over the directions with me. She agreed to come show me how this one is filled at 8:00AM this morning. It's 7:30:AM now so I still have some time.

More Later.... 

 I did catch "the weather on the 8's" although I haven't opened the front door yet to check on the cats. Here's the weather forecast though! Today is to be 83 degrees and mostly sunny, Wednesday is to be 87 degrees and sunny, Thursday is to be 87 degrees and partly cloudy, Friday is to be 88 degrees and sunny, Saturday is to be 92 degrees and sunny, Sunday is to be 75 degrees and mostly sunny, And Monday is to be 71 degrees and mostly sunny! That's the week! Mostly sunny every day but Thursday and that is partly cloudy.

More Even Later...

Monday, October 7, 2024

Monday and the Weather Forecast

It's 7:24AM and I have been up quite awhile. In fact I have been up most of the and on. I did finally get "the weather on the 8's". I haven't even looked for the cats. I will get to that a little later.

Right now I will post the weather forecast. Today is to be 81 degrees and sunny, Tuesday is to be 82 degrees and sunny and Wednesday is to be 86 degrees and sunny, Thursday is to be 86 degrees and partly cloudy, Friday is to be 89 degrees and sunny, Saturday is to be 92 degrees and sunny and Sunday is to be 87 degrees partly cloudy and that's the week! Five days of sunny and two days of partly cloudy.

Now I should check on the cats. More Later...

There were three black cats and Grey out there. So Blondie. As soon as the market opens or Dollar General, I will buy some dry cat food. Right now they are eating only wet cat food by itself. 

I went to Dollar General and bought some dry cat food to add to their bowls. Then I went to the Caney Grocery and bought two Coffee Cake mixes. That cost a bit but I needed everything I bought. I see Blondie is out there now. I took him some dry cat food for half of his bowl.

More Later...

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Sunday and Brownies instead of Coffeecake.

I was up at 4:00AM this morning. I had slept well, made my bed and got myself ready for the day. I checked and I had no coffeecake mix. So I made brownies instead for the church breakfast. That won't be the same but I forgot to buy the coffeecake mix before I left for Springfield this weekend..unfortunately.  

We had a very good time at Springfield. Leslie was ordained a leader in our Mission Center. I left my bulletin at her house so I can't think of her new title. 

She got my text and answered me. She is a Bishop! I will leave this on my blog in case I have another lapse in memory. Thanks Leslie!