Friday, April 12, 2013

Friday For Conference

Today Leslie will come about 9:30 and we will hang the blind in the living room and also hang the curio cabinet. Then we will leave for Conference. I will not be posting for awhile. I will be gone until the 21st. I am thinking of taking my computer with me but finding a router to use to get online would probably be impossible. Smart people have security on their routers.

I awoke at 3:30 this morning. Missy was restless and woke me up. She has seen me packing and knows something is up. Bob will come over and see to her food and water and of course, her precious treats. I made coffee and am just drinking that and posting here. I am all packed and ready to go. I am taking a day's supply of my antibiotic in a zip lock bag in my purse and every day I will refill that bag until Thursday when I finish the prescription. I hope the erysipelas is gone by then.

So long, folks. I will see you here on the 21st.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

A Busy Thursday

Today will be busy as I get ready to leave for Conference in the morning. I will get my hair done at 7:00 and then come home to wait for Leslie to come. Before we leave, we will hang the blind in the living room and also the small curio cabinet which hangs on the wall.

Friday evening is the John Whitmer Historical Association meeting and banquet. The Conference starts on Saturday.

I have my laundry finished now. I will have to go to the bank later as well as to the market. I need a few things for my trip. I may go to Bartlesville. I could use some more socks. I will be gone ten days and I do not have that many socks. I will be wearing some things twice. I am also refilling my Keflex. I will finish this prescription next Thursday. I am supposed to keep it on hand just in case the erysipelas comes back. Of course it's not completely gone yet. I wonder if I should continue the medication until the disease is completely gone.

More later....

I went with Bob to eat lunch at Eggberts. It was good, as usual.

I didn't do a lot this afternoon. I did take a nap. I have lost so much sleep lately. I am going to bed early tonight. I will be up early in the morning.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Wednesday At Last

This is closing last! I was pretty upset last night when I received the statement. The $1750 half of the closing costs was listed on my side of the statement. I talked to my realtor and went to her office and she explained to me that the price I sold the house for was $1750 more then I had originally asked for it and that covered the closing costs too. I just didn't like it that the buyers cost showed up on my half of the statement. After she explained it to me, I understood though. I still think it's insulting for the buyer to expect the seller to pay any of their closing costs. I have bought and sold 11 houses in my lifetime and I have always paid my own closing costs. Buyers are pretty spoiled today.

I will go to exercise class this morning and then at 11:00, I will go to the closing.

I have unwrapped my blind and it's going to fit perfectly. My daughter says we will hang it before we leave town on Friday morning.

More later....

The closing is over. I have gone to the bank to deposit my equity and change the address on my accounts there. I have cancelled my homeowners policy and bought a renters insurance policy.

Bob and I went over to Cherryvale to "Just Us" for lunch. He was exhausted after his morning of cleaning out his garage. He intended to take a nap this afternoon.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

A Busy Tuesday

Today will be busy. I will load the cakes into my trunk and drive to Independence and deliver them this morning. There's another one at the church from a nearby member. I will pick it up on the way up.

After I deliver those and have my hair appointment, I will meet my daughter for lunch. It's been a long time since I've done that.

Then this afternoon I will do some more laundry.

This evening I have library board meeting and foundation meeting as well. I missed last month because of my move. When I get home I will watch one of my favorite TV programs, "American Masters" on PBS. It will feature Carol Burnett. That should make a full day.

I slept well last night. I went to bed at 8:30 after falling asleep in my recliner around 6:00. I slept until 6:00 this morning which is a record for me.

My closing is supposed to be tomorrow at 11:00. I hope it goes off o.k.

More later....

My lunch with my daughter went off well. She ended up buying our lunch. We had a good visit and decided to meet for lunch each Tuesday after my hair appointment. We used to do that before I went to work.

I am to meet the electricians at the church at 2:00. They will give us an estimate of the cost of installing a plug inside the ceiling for our new proposed system to project power point on a screen at the front of the church. Someone needs to let them in.

Then at 5:15 I need to go to my library board meeting and the library foundation meeting afterward at 6:15.

Monday, April 8, 2013

A Dreary Monday

I woke up pretty early this morning....about 3:30. I lay in bed for another hour and then decided to just get up. I drank my coffee and answered my e-mail and then went to exercise class at 9:00 with Bob. We are having hamburgers and french fries for lunch/dinner and I will start that in about 45 minutes. I make my own french fries in my Fry Daddy. I have potatoes and my daughter and son-in-law give me other beef and hamburger. They have a farm and cattle.

This afternoon I will bake and ice my cakes for tomorrow. I need to do some laundry but I can probably do that while I am busy with other things.

Bob bought the buns, onion and a tomato for our lunch. That helped.

More later...

My realtor called this afternoon and they have set my closing for Wednesday at 11:00. I'll see if they cancel it for some reason this time. I hope it goes through. I will need to put what I receive as equity into my money market account for emergencies.

I got my cakes baked and iced and the other Coffeyville members brought me theirs too so I will load them into my trunk in the morning and take them to Independence. One woman took hers to the church so I will try the detour on my way to Independence tomorrow morning. They are working on the road there and will be for two months at least.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

A Very Nice Weekend

We had a very nice weekend. We went out to Silver Dollar City when we first arrived at 10:00. We walked around for several hours, bought some fudge and an ice cream. then we went into Branson and ate lunch/dinner at the Olive Garden. Friday evening we went to see and hear Pierce Arrow again. It was a good show.

Saturday we got up early and ate at Panera Bread, which was across the street from our motel. I had a cinnamon roll...very unhealthy but very good. Then we went out to Branson landing and did some serious shopping. Phyllis did more shopping then Bob and I did. We bought some sale t-shirts but she really spent some money! :)

The weather was beautiful! Saturday was a little windy but still nice.

After we ate at a buffet, we drove back home. I drove part of the way. Bob was very sleepy and took a short nap. We got home about 4:30. I put away my clothes and took a bath, watched some TV and went to bed. I slept pretty well until 3:30 and that as it. Finally at 4:30, I got up.

I preside at church this morning. I need to be sure there is grape juice at church for the communion. I think I have enough bread for the bread.

More later....

We seven and the two great grandchildren ate after church at Hong Kong Delight. It was alright. I am just not crazy about Chinese, I guess. I did my letters and got them out on the mailbox in the afternoon and then I picked up Bob and we went out to the church and put a sign on the front door saying there would be no services next Sunday. much of the congregation will be attending the Sunday worship service at the Auditorium in Independence, Missouri at the Conference. Of course Leslie and I will be staying ten days because we are both delegates to both conferences.

Hopefully my closing will be one day this week. I really need to get this done now.

Carla picked up my blind over at the house and will get it to me on Monday. But I don't know when I will get it up. I only hope it fits after all this time.

I will meet Leslie for lunch Tuesday after I deliver the cakes and go to my hair appointment. Bob will be on his own for lunch.

Then Tuesday evening I have library and foundation board meeting. That will get me up to 7:15. By then I should be plenty exhausted.

Wednesday after exercise class, Karan wants to meet at the Tea Room. She has invited all the Living the Questions women. I will try to go. Thursday I will pack my clothing for the week ahead. Leslie and I leave on Friday for ten days at World Conference in Independence, Missouri.