Thursday, January 21, 2010

Letter to Two Editors

Dear Editor,

There’s a lesson to be learned by the Massachusetts failure of the Democrats to elect their senatorial candidate. The lesson is that many of us in the lower and middle class feel that President Obama has not fulfilled the promises he made to the American people.

His health care reform bill has been decimated. The common folk don’t understand it and it constantly changes in favor of the drug companies and the insurance companies that are a major part of the health care problem.

He has worked hard to bail out auto companies and the banks and the financial institutions that got us into this “recession” mess but and he hasn’t done enough for the people who got him elected in the first place. Bank CEOs are still receiving huge bonuses and we are still at war in the Middle East. The “free trade” policies of his predecessor have led us down the road to unemployment and he has done very little to quell that flow of jobs overseas. Regulation needed to control the takeover of the country by the very rich is still lacking, much as he has talked about reinstating it.

People are still losing their homes and credit card companies are still raising their rates to astronomical highs.

At this point, he tends to look like just another politician making promises he doesn’t intend to keep. He needs to realize that the polarization of the parties is beyond his ability to control.

The American people have made it plain that they want this budget breaking war in the Middle East to be finished and they want their young men and women back home. We cannot fight an enemy we cannot distinguish from the general population. One would have thought the lessons of Vietnam would have shown that. And if he would listen to his Middle East experts, he would learn the reason for the antagonism of the Moslem world. The oil companies are another part of the problem.

If he doesn’t wake up and smell the coffee, he will not only lose Congress to the Republicans in the mid term elections but he will be a one term president. That would be a tragedy because the Republicans have no viable candidate and they are firmly backed by the extremist of the religious right.


Sansego said...

People thought Clinton and Bush would be one term presidents. Expectations were way too high for Obama...a result of the disasterous presidency of Bush. Comparing Obama's first year with Clinton and Bush's first years...there's no comparison. Obama had a great first year compared to both of those two. A presidency is judged by his entire term(s) we'll see after eight years what the successes and failures have been.

Sure there are some disappointments...but we need to be realistic. America did not get into this financial crisis overnight, so we're not going to get out of it overnight either.

Besides that...the Republicans don't have any good candidates to offer the American people in 2012...unless Scott Brown decides not to run for reelection in 2012 and goes for the presidency instead. My bet is that he'll wait until 2016 to make his presidential run.

Margie's Musings said...

Bush was in the middle of a huge war so he was re-elected. Otherwise, it would not have happened.