Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Busy Tuesday

This is one of those days. I need to go to the market sometime today and get the hot dogs and buns for the wiener roast tomorrow evening at church. I also have a board meeting for the clinic at 11:00.

I need to finish trimming the yard too. But rain is in the forecast today.

I didn't sleep too well last night...kept waking up.

I need to take Slinky for a walk this morning too...if it doesn't rain. He didn't get one yesterday.

I want to go see Phyllis this afternoon too. I didn't go yesterday since I worked on cleaning the garage yesterday. I was so sore yesterday evening. All that getting down on my knees and stooping and stretching, I guess. I just sat and watch TV. I watched God in America on PBS. Very interesting. It goes on tonight and tomorrow night too.

I will need to find time to do the minutes after the board meeting too.

I hope Keith gets my car title today. It always worries me to send such things in the mail.

More later....
I did get Slinky walked.

Then I left about 9:00 to go pick up my contacts at Caney. I had intended to go on to Independence from there but Susie called while I was on the road to ask me if I was home. After I told her my plan, she said she had mislaid my minutes from September and asked if I could bring my copy. I had not printed it off since she often makes changes. So after I picked up my contacts, I came back home and sent them to her by e-mail. Just in case...I printed off a copy. Then I went on to my meeting in Independence. Sure enough, she had not checked her e-mail. I was glad I had a copy.

I called Leslie about 12:20 to find out where she was eating lunch. She told me her new lunch hour began at 12:30 so I asked if she would like to eat with me. I picked her up. Then after I took her back after lunch I went to the market to get the things I would need for the picnic tomorrow evening. Then I went to the church and unloaded the groceries. After that I came on back home. Bob Avery was waiting for me and told me about his visit with Phyllis this morning and then brought in his rummage. We visited a little while and then I came on in to try to get my minutes done. I still hoped to get out to see Phyllis. I finished at 4:50 though...too late to go see Phyllis.

Perhaps tomorrow....

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