Monday, October 31, 2016

Monday and Exercises Again

 I didn't sleep as well last night. I was awake off and on after 3:30. I finally got up at 4:00 and went in to check my bank account. I will have to transfer some money from my savings to pay my rent. I don't get my social security until the 9th and the rent is due before the 5th.

My checking account record on Quicken was corrupted for some reason and I started a new account and put the most recent records in the new one. Then I deleted the other one. I don't know what happened but it was a mess. Luckily I keep a record of my transactions in a paper record in my checkbook as well. I mainly use Quicken to check my addition and subtraction.  

Bob will pick me up this morning for the exercise class. But right now I'd better got my bed made and myself ready for the day. Missy is still asleep on the bed.

More later...

O.K I have everything done now except lunch and my cake for tomorrow. I also want to clean Missy's litter box after the fog lifts. We have had fog a couple of days in the past week. It's really foggy out there now and even though it's 7:15, it's still dark and Missy, with her built in clock, just doesn't understand fog when it's supposed to be daylight.

More even later...after exercise class...

I got Missy's litter box cleaned nicely and afterward fixed lunch. Then I raked leaves in the center of the fourplex. It's an unending job but needs to be done and I am the only one living here that can do it.

Karan brought her cake over awhile ago. She stayed and visited some too. I need to ice mine now that it's cool and then go to the bank and get some money for my hair tomorrow.

So more even later...

I got the money I need for the week. Now I will read my mail and just relax.

Bob came over shortly after 5:00 and brought popcorn for us to pop and eat. We watched the news and then he went home.   I took my bath and tried to watch TV with Missy but kept falling asleep. Finally, close to 9:00 I just went to bed. I was very tired.


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