Saturday, September 21, 2019

Saturday and At Home for a Change

I woke up very early this morning...even earlier then usual. I finally decided I must have had my sleep out and just got up. I have dressed and made my bed and even had my oatmeal, juice and coffee. Now I am working on my Chai. I believe I will stay home today.  I even fed the kitten...that is the only one that has come yet this kitten. I need to get some more cat food this morning at Dollar General.

I have been gone the past three days...yesterday to Coffeyville for their cornbread and bean luncheon at the senior center, Thursday to Chanute for Gay's birthday dinner and Wednesday to Asbury Village for Bunco, among other, gas, library, lunch at Eggberts there etc. I have two more John Grisham books to read but everything else is caught up. Although I never did get the trimming done since we had rain yesterday and will have it the rest of the week and even into next week. Monday is the only day we are not to have rain and I will try to mow on Monday. I will just have to play it by ear.

Tomorrow Nancy is supposed to go with me to church and then after church to Great China with our group for lunch and then back to Coffeyville for that documentary she and I both want to see at the Reawakening Coffeyville office there in Coffeyville. We are hoping Danny, who is in charge of Caney's reawakening group, will be able to use some of those ideas. Nancy will share them with him.

I may go downtown later this morning to see Joyce, Karan's stepdaughter, at Gabby's.

I fixed the last of the first box of blueberries into smoothies last evening. I still have another box of them as well as the lettuce, onions, bananas and potatoes Suzanne gave me yesterday. It's more than I can use. I may take the rest to the food basket at church tomorrow.  I will have to notify Leann that there is stuff in the frig that also needs to go to the trailer park.

More later....

I did take all that food to the food basket at church. I called Leann and told her about it and suggested she go pick it up and give it to those needy people next door to her.

While I was at church I made copies for seven more folders and was going to put them in the mail when I got back to Caney. Unfortunately, the post office here closes at 10:30AM on Saturday so I will mail them on Monday.

I went by Gabby's and had a chicken sandwich and visited with Joyce awhile. I looked at the grass in front when I got back home and decided it needed mowing. So at 6:30PM I changed my shoes and went out and mowed it. Luckily, it was dry. Nevertheless... I was exhausted when I finished and that was just the front yard. I drank a bottle of water.

Then I decided to bake my cake tonight and ice it when it was cool and put it in my freezer. I will take it to church tomorrow and put it in the freezer there. I got that done.

I took my bath and then I read my new book all evening until 9:00PM. That's when I went on to bed...after I finished this blog. As is obvious, I did not stay home today.

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