Sunday, February 9, 2020

Sunday and a Good Night's Sleep

I slept really well last night for a change..after night before last. ...which was awful.

I am doing something different this time for the coffee cake. I made them as cupcakes. There was a recipe for that on the box and I had never tried it. Now I have to find a box to carry them in and get them into the church without dropping them.. I don't know whether to try to ice them or not.

I had three cats to feed this morning. I notice big Yellow Tom is wearing a pretty collar now so he may not be a stray after all. I had thought he was from down east of here on my block earlier. The farrow Mama cat and the other smaller yellow cat were all three out there.

I am taking my beans for the dinner following  the service.

Bob tells me Leslie filled the baptistry and put the warmer in yesterday.  He must have gone out to check for that yesterday. I hope this is not a mistake. Time will tell.

More later...

We had a fine service today and the dinner afterward was great too.

When I got home I got my newsletters out and put together six more directories. Karan will sew the centers with her sewing machine.

I added the new member to these.

Then when I tried to e-mail her to tell her, my laptop could not access the server for the internet. It's capacity to reach the internet had gone out.

Tomorrow I will go with Leslie to Bartlesville to her doctor's appointment  and afterward we will go out to their Walmart and I will buy a new USB adapter and she will install it on the laptop to try to get it to work that way. That's how I had to use the desktop computer until it finally died last fall.

Otherwise, I am down to using the notebook all the time and it is the laptop that is connected to the printer. Cox Complete Care can help me utilize the printer for this notebook .

John and Leslie's, Octavia, their Blue Heeler, is having her puppies this evening. She and Hoover , their Corgi male,  will have another litter of Cowboy Corgis this evening. 

More later....

I will watch 60 Minutes now and later I will take my bath and get ready for bed and go on to bed at 9:00PM.


Kay said...

I have problems getting enough sleep too, but since coming to Illinois, I’m sleeping a lot more. I wonder if it’s because of the longer nights.

Margie's Musings said...

Could be, Kay. It's a mystery to me.