Thursday, December 18, 2008

Joplin Trip

My daughter and I are going to take a chance on the weather today and drive over to Joplin...a 75 mile trip. She wants to do some shopping at the mall and we have a member of our church in the hospital there so we will visit her.

The forecast was for freezing rain and it was supposed to have arrived last night but it's 8:55 and we didn't get any freezing rain. She googled Joplin's weather and they say the roads are clear. So we'll see. Bob doesn't want to go for a change because he hates to shop. He will stay home with the animals and let them in and out as they have needs.

She is to be here at 9:30.


Judy said...

Hi Margie, Hope you have fun on your trip and don't get any ice. We had an ice storm on Monday here and are just now getting the meltdown. Sorry, I have been negligent on my comments and blog. Just trying to get ready for Christmas.

Margie's Musings said...

I understand. We had a great time. We ate at Garfield's and did some Christmas shopping before going to the hospital to visit Isabell.

Beth said...

I'm glad to hear you had a fun and safe trip with your daughter, Margie. We've been fortunate so far not to have any ice storms, but we are hoping for a white Christmas!

Margie's Musings said...

You are welcome to the White Christmas, Beth. You can even have mine if you wish!