Thursday, January 15, 2009

Minister's Week Results

Minister's Week was a tremendous success. Rita Nakashima Brock spoke eloquently yesterday morning and afternoon on her new book, Saving Paradise, and was a huge success too. Then last night and today we heard Dr. James Forbes speak and he was fantastic. He preached last night on the topic "Celebrating the Day of the Lord's Favor". I can see why Newsweek magazine named him one of the twelve best preachers in America.

We had a question and answer session this morning before lunch with him and I got to ask an important question. It was important to me and evidently to others there too. He brought up politics so I took that opportunity to ask him what he though should be done about Cheney and Rumsfeld. Should they be prosecuted for war crimes or allowed to go their way peacefully following this administration.

He said their crimes should be publicly exposed and then they should be censored by Congress so the whole world would realize the American people did not approve of their behavior.

They have been indicted in Europe by the International Court so if they travel abroad, they run the risk of being arrested and tried as war criminals.


Sansego said...

I think we should give them options...possible prison terms OR community service to repair the damage. At the least, their reputation needs to be locked in as CRIMINAL actions so that future politicians won't be tempted to pursue similar or worse policies as the out-going criminal administration.

Margie's Musings said...

If their actions see the light of day, and it becomes commonly known what they have done, that should be deterrent enough for others.

Judy said...

Very interesting Margie. Sounds like you really enjoyed your week and getting to hear this and meet with this person.

Margie's Musings said...

Yes, I did, Judy.

Sansego said...

I don't think letting them get off the hook deters them. This band of criminals are much worse than Reagan's group. I've read an article that because Clinton didn't pursue criminal charges against Reagan/Bush, it allowed another group of radicals to test how much further they can get away with their crimes. Obama has indicated that he has no interest in focusing on the past, which means that a future President Palin or Jindal or Bush can go even further than Bush/Cheney have.

We need to model a Truth and Reconciliation Commission for our own government, like they did in South Africa. It's the only true way to change our government. Sweeping it under the rug doesn't solve the problem.

I've been suspicious when I heard Bush and Cheney in interviews praise Obama. There's some kind of deal going on...or blackmail. I think that's why Clinton didn't pursue the Iran-Contra scandal.

Frankly, these people should be permanently barred from government work for life.