Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Quiet Tuesday

This has been a quiet day. I went to my sister's early this morning so my brother-in-law could go to his breakfast and then came home and have just read all day. We did go get some corn to put out for our squirrels. The little critters get into the bird's seed if we don't buy food for them.

We had my sister and her husband over for dinner last night. I baked some salmon. It was all right but certainly not my favorite food. I fixed some boiled and buttered potatoes, broccoli, salad and we had pudding for dessert with no carb whipped cream on it.

While we were up to Orchelan's where we bought the corn, I noticed they have their shrubbery on sale. They had lilac bushes and one Wegelia bush. I sure would like to plant another Wegelia bush but I wonder if it's too late for shrubbery to make it through the hot summer. I would have to add it to my watering chore each morning.

Tomorrow I will go get my hair done in Independence and have breakfast with Juanita.
Nothing else is planned for tomorrow either. I should be out there washing windows but we have rain forecast. I hate to take a chance on rain. I guess I will just read.

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