Monday, March 31, 2014

Tired Monday

I got home from the retreat yesterday afternoon and from there unpacked and started my laundry. Bob and I went to Marilyn's at 7:00 and didn't back to our homes until 9:30 or so. By the time I took my bath and went to bed, it was near 10:00. Still I was so tired I didn't sleep well at all. It was on and off all night. Finally I got up at 4:45 and fixed a pot of coffee. Maybe that will help.

I stripped my bed this morning and am washing my sheets, underwear and the towel I took to camp. I left my ,moisture cream in the bathroom over there so will have to buy more today. I used my body cream this morning....probably not a good thing for the face but it worked.

We had a wonderful time at the camp. The food was so good that I overate. It will take me a week or two of normal eating to shed the pounds I managed to put on. The speaker was a great speaker. We had small groups where we shared in confidence our brokenness and then later had an opportunity to share our blessings. The closing worship service was very moving and then we had the sacrament of the observance of the Lord's supper.

John, Leslie's husband, met us for lunch at Red Lobster.  He had gone to Cassville to go fishing at Roaring River. I had given him a gift card for that restaurant for Christmas and that was the first opportunity he had had to use it. He bought my lunch too. I ate way too much food over the weekend but it was all good. 

I just looked and Missy is lying on top of the coverlet which I had piled on top the cedar chest in the bedroom.  That cat! She's something else.

I will go to exercise class this morning and maybe that will jump start me for the day. I need to run the vacuum and wash the kitchen and bathroom floors.  I haven't decided about lunch yet.

More later...

I decided to have chicken tenders and baked potatoes for lunch with brussel sprouts and cottage cheese. And that worked out well and I sent the leftover chicken home with Bob. There's not much on TV tonight.  There are two old episodes of the Big Bang Theory which we may watch...depending on how many times we've seen those . 

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