Thursday, May 16, 2019

Thursday and the Bloodmobile

I slept well until 4:00AM when I woke up wide awake. I got up and dressed, made my bed  and had my breakfast and then watched the weather until the "Local on the Eights" came on and then came into the den to read the Chronicle. I forwarded it on to all those I share it with.

I will do some cleaning this morning and then go back over to Coffeyville to help with the bloodmobile for the Red Cross at noon at the First Baptist Church until 3:00PM. They are so short handed that I still go back over to help them. Karan and I will work together our shift. Bob just texted me that he is going to help them from 3:00PM until 6:00PM.

Then tomorrow they are having Asbury Village fix lunch for seniors at the senior center (for $2.00) so I will go back again for that. After that lunch, I will pick up Wayne's cake at Country Mart and take it over to Evelyn's to go into her frig. Marilyn will be helping to clean up the kitchen there at the senior center. Monday we will go back over to Wayne's for a birthday party at 2:00PM. It will be his 99th birthday.

I don't know when I will be able to mow this next week, We are forecast for a lot of rain on Saturday, Monday and Tuesday. I don't want to do it before Monday if I can help it because of my hair. My appointment is not until Wednesday.  But if it dries by Sunday, I may be forced to mow Sunday afternoon and evening.

More later...

I cut open the bag of mulch in the trunk of my car this morning and filled three buckets of mulch (seventy five hand fulls)  to mulch the flower bed in the back.  Then I watered it well. Hopefully the mulch will help hold the moisture. I left the rest of the bag of mulch in the trunk of my car.  I will use more of it from time to time to mulch some more. I am thinking of getting some more stones to line the bare spot under the place in front where I hung my hanging basket and then mulching that area too.

I just cleaned out the leaves from under the hedge in front and put those leaves in the bag I have hanging in the garage on the bag buddy.  It looks a lot neater now. I also went ahead and washed the bathroom and kitchen floors and vacuumed the apartment. So that's done for another week. I will need to dust later.

I won't leave for Coffeyville until 11:30 to work the bloodmobile. I am thinking of mowing the front while I wait. However, It's 10:20AM right now. maybe not. I will see what it's like outside after I get back from Coffeyville about 3:30PM or so.

More later...

I went over to Coffeyville a little early and walked around one of the discount stores. Then I went in to the Bloodmobile early and gave blood for the first time in decades. I have O Positive blood and they are needing it badly. I decided to give it.

After I finished my stint as an escort, I came back home and thought again about mowing. But it is just too hot and I knew that would not be good for me. So I will wait and see what the weather is like in the morning.

I am going to watch the last episode of The Big Bang Theory and see how it ends. Then after that, I will take my bath at 7:00PM or after the program, and put my pjs on and go to bed at 9:00PM 


Donna. W said...

I've always hated that Cliff and I can't give blood because I had hepatitis when we were newlyweds and gave it to him. I did get the experience of giving blood though, before my knee replacement. They had me get a couple of pints of my own blood stored in case I needed it after surgery. As it happened, I did need it.

Margie's Musings said...

That's good you did that.Is your hepatitis not been able to be cured with that new med?