Sunday, June 9, 2019

Sunday and Church

I slept well last night and got up at 5:00AM as usual.  I watched the weather, and had my oatmeal and coffee and started my coffee cake and got it in the oven. As soon as I got it out and turned off the timer, I mixed up my cake. When the cake timer went off 28 minutes later, I noticed the cake was not baked. With the stopping of the timer, the oven was evidently turned off too. I had not had any experience with the timer turning off the oven too. My glass top range over at Coffeyville just turned off the timer but the oven had to be manually turned off.

The cake had begun to bake before the oven cooled down so I just started it up again and waited another 28 minutes for it to bake. Then I tested it and it was done. I took it out to cool and get iced after it cooled a bit. It will be amazing if that cake is o.k. but it appears to be. I iced it and will wait for it to finish cooling before putting the cover on it. When I get to church, I will freeze it and Bob will pick it up there on Tuesday when he goes to Independence to deliver the four cakes.

I speak today at church.

I have decided not to go to church camp after all. I was supposed to go over there Wednesday afternoon but I have been sleeping much better and I am conveniently near the bathroom here. I usually get up in the night once. At the campgrounds, in order to be able to sleep I would have to be in a cabin by myself.  Then when I had to go to the bathroom, I would have to walk up the walk outside to reach one.

I can't sleep in the dorm because the other people in there do not quiet down enough for me to sleep. And I am not looking forward to the heat either.  The only time I have to deal with the heat here, is when I mow.

So I decided to just forego going to camp and just stay home.

More later...

Church went just fine today.

Phyllis, Karan, Bob and I went to Great China for lunch. As usual, it was very good. I brought a little home for supper or lunch tomorrow.  When I came home there was a nice breeze so I mowed the front yard. It was the one I have to look at the most. It looks good now. I don't know when I will get to the side yard and the back...maybe this evening if it doesn't get any hotter.

Then I got the four newsletters finished and out on the mailbox for the mailman to pick up tomorrow around noontime.

Mike wasn't at church this morning and usually he is the first one there for just church.  I will e-mail him to see if he is unwell.

It's almost 3:15PM now. I think I will go watch some recorded TV or some Amazon Prime.  I will get back to this later...

About 3:45PM, I noticed there was a breeze out there so I went back out and mowed the side yard and the back yard. Now, it's done for a few more days. I had just mowed it Tuesday so the rain we had really caused it to grow. It needed to be mowed yesterday but I knew my hair would be a mess if I did it yesterday so I wanted to wait until after church this morning.

Now, it's 4:40PM, and I will go watch some more TV on Amazon Prime until 60 Minutes comes on. I always like to watch that.

After that is over, I will take my bath and put my pjs on and read awhile until 9:00PM...then I will go to bed.

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