Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Prior to the Town Hall Debates

I have read too much bad about McCain. Not only the Keating Five scandal of the 80's but the way he treated his first wife, Carol, his history of philandering, his terrible temper and bad language against colleagues in the Senate. He had to be separated from a fight he started on the Senate floor.

I read a twenty four page profile about him from the Rolling Stone magazine. He graduated fifth from the bottom of his class. He himself said he operates from his emotions and not his head. And he has started doing the negative ads out of his desperation.

He is running as a hero from 40 years ago. He was not a hero. He was a POW who broke under torture and made videos confessing his wrongs. Now, I don't think I could stand torture like that either so I don't fault him for that. But he's the one that lets everyone call him a hero. He wasn't a hero. He was a POW.

I don't want someone with his hair trigger temper to have that red button under his finger. I want a cool headed person who is willing to use diplomacy. Someone who wants to see peace in the world and who will help rebuild our reputation in the world. I don't want someone who cannot admit error. We've had enough of that from W.

I don't want anyone as president who thinks the economy is just fine until it collapses.

I'm no economist but two years ago I saw this coming and took what little I had left out of the stock market and put it in a CD at 4% interest. I did not trust the market even then and I am not a highly educated person.


Sylvia K said...

You did well with your savings and I think all of us are frightened at even the possibility of McCain wining this election. I don't even want to think what will happen to our country under he and Palin. And I'm afraid for Obama and his family. Now aren't those terrible things to have to think about? I think we all feel pretty much the same.

Margie's Musings said...

Yes, we do. I am very afraid that anyone who wants to kill him can manage it.