Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Another Busy Day

This morning I went up to Independence to get my color and haircut done. Afterward, I met my friend, Juanita, for breakfast. Then I went by the courthouse to pay half our taxes. After that I stopped in at Nannie La Rose and used up the gift certificate Juanita gave me for my birthday. I needed new socks so I got four pair and a pair of earrings. My younger son, Scott, called today. He remembered my birthday at the gym last night but waited until this morning to call and wish me a belated happy birthday.

After that, I came on back home. My friend, Bill, was coming down to bring me a birthday gift...books, as usual. That is always a good gift for me. He had been to the hospital to visit my sister. That was good of him.

After he left, Bob and I went to eat at the hospital cafeteria and then we went to visit Phyllis too. She is doing as well as can be expected under the circumstances. I saw her physical therapist and told her Phyllis needed more walking if she was ever going to get to go home. She walked this morning and I guess they came back to get her for another workout this afternoon after her nap.

I learned from a friend that Medicare will pay for 100 days of nursing home care. That may be the only way she will ever get the ability to go home again.

This afternoon, I finished the book I have been reading. It is called "The Shack". have any of you read it?


Balisha said...

Hi Margie,
I found that you really need family around you, when you are a hospital patient. Hospital care isn't like it used to be. It's especially so in caring for the elderly. With family there, the staff is more diligent in their care.It's good that your sister has family to see to her needs.

Margie's Musings said...

That's what we think too, Balisha. I am only sorry I am not able to do more. I have a very busy schedule this week.