Thursday, March 5, 2009

Ministerial Alliance Day

Today is Ministerial Alliance and I have spent the morning working on the agenda and copying the minutes for everyone. We have 15 reservations for today. We meet at Windsor Place and they fix us a nice lunch.

I am feeling somewhat better although I have been blowing my nose all morning. I did sleep well last night.

About 11:30 last night, Slinky decided he wanted to go out and then he decided he would just sleep out on the chaise so I left him out. It was 50 degrees and I knew he could handle that. He came in for his breakfast this morning but wanted to go right back out so I put him out.

Bob has been working on his shed door this morning. He had me come help him hold it in place while he screwed in the hinges. I really wasn't up to it but he has very little patience with anything like that so I forced myself to help.

We will leave for Windsor Place in about an hour and fifteen minutes. Till then, I will just rest. I have all the agenda and minutes printed off.

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