Sunday, July 26, 2009

Sunday Catastrophie

Well this has been a day. It started out kind of bad. My cake for the salad luncheon after church didn't come out quite as good as I had hoped. Although everyone said it was good. I felt it was dry. I got most of it done and needed three sticks of oleo and only had one and a half. Bob ran to the market for me and bought another pound.

The sermon from the guest minister was fact, very good.

I got my letters out before four but about four o'clock, I lost my internet signal and could not reboot my modem and after trying three times I decided to reboot my desktop. Mistake!

It crashed while trying to reboot. This Dell desktop is only one and a half years old but it appears the registry is corrupted. I will call my son, a tech tomorrow. I paid $700. for it a year ago last September. So it will be two years old in September.

Luckily I have this laptop. Unfortunately I did not back up that desktop before I rebooted. So I lost next Sunday's sermon..or I would have if I had not already printed it off. But I did lose a lot of stuff.

Bob and I will go to Marilyn and Jack's tonight for "Living the Questions".

When I got home, I called my son, Keith, and he walked me through reinstalling Windows XP on the desktop. Little by little I will get everything back.

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