Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Scott's Gone

Scott came unexpectedly yesterday afternoon. He was a basket case. Taresa has left him again and he simply cannot figure out why. He thought he did everything right. I canceled my hair appointment and my breakfast with Juanita today since I didn't know how long he would stay.

He got up early this morning and had breakfast and then decided to go back and try to get on with his life. He has to fly out to New York on Monday and he needs to try to get his head on straight before then. It's been up and down all weekend. Taresa's dad bailed her out and she moved out of his place.

We went to Independence yesterday noon and took Leslie and him out to lunch. He always enjoys that.

I have him in my prayers.


Balisha said...

Poor Scott....Well, he gave it a try.That's about all you can do. Thanks for your comments on my blog this week. It helps to know that there is this big prayer circle. Balisha

Judy said...

Hi Margie, It may be for the best. A friend once gave me this sun catcher to hang in my window. It says, "Every ending is a new beginning". I have found that to be so true in my life. I wish Scott nothing but the best.

Margie's Musings said...

Thanks so much Balisha and Judy. He knows all those things are true but right now he's hurting too badly to get through it.

Anonymous said...

May healing come.
