Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Another Tuesday

It's Tuesday now and Bob still shows no signs of improvement on his infection and swelling.

We ended up going to Bartlesville because we had not been there since before Christmas. We browsed around in some of the antique stores. We then call an old friend and asked if he could meet us for lunch. he did and we had a great lunch. Afterward we came back home and Bob took Slinky for a walk.

We will stay home the rest of the day.

I have a hair appointment tomorrow in Independence and then it is supposed to rain and freeze and eight inches of snowfall an top of that. I am hoping it will pass and not land here. I am thoroughly sick of winter and ready for spring.

I did finish my Temple School course today though and got it in the mail.


Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear there is no improvement. Maybe, you should call them or something. I know you have to be worried about him. I hope he is not in pain.

Margie's Musings said...

No, he is not in pain. It's just that we can see little or no improvement.