Monday, June 28, 2010

Busy Monday

What a busy day this has been. After feeding my animals this morning, I drove out to Leslie's and cleaned her house. It took three hours. Leslie's house is easy to clean because it is never cluttered.

As soon as I finished I picked up Juanita for her appointment in Bartlesville at Dr. Eslicker's office. The PA looked her over carefully and I pointed out a suspicious looking place just above her belt line on her lower back. He looked at it through his magnifying glass and agreed. He cut it out and sent it in for biopsy. I hope I am wrong but I think it is a melanoma. Bob had two of those over the last ten years and that's what they looked like. Anyhow, we will know in a week or two. They are very dangerous and usually life threatening.

Then I took her to a small sandwich shop I had eaten at with Doug and Denise. There we had a delicious sandwich made with home made bread and then a piece of raspberry rhubarb pie. She enjoyed it so much that she ordered a second piece to take home.

After I delivered her back to her home in Independence, I came back home. Later I went to the market and bought a few grocerys. After having a bowl of ice cream I settled down to watch some TV and immediately fell asleep. When I awoke, I took my bath and put on my pjs and came in here to update the blog.

Tomorrow, I will go to my brother-in-law's to visit with my sister while he goes to breakfast. After I get home, I will clean my house. I have Living the Questions here that night.

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