Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Wednesday Again

Maybe I wasn't as well as I thought yesterday. I woke up at 4:00 and my pajama top was wet. My body must still be trying to get through whatever it was that "attacked" me day before yesterday.

Well, I work today and then have an eye appointment over at Caney at 1:00. I have worn contacts since I was 45 and never have a trouble with them but I am required to see my eye doctor every year just to be sure. I have new glasses that I got last year and I wear them in the evening after I take my bath. They wear a place on my nose though and I am glad I don't have to wear them all the time.

I was mostly finished with Leslie's house yesterday when Susie called me on my cell. The file that contained last months minutes on her computer had become corrupted and she needed me to come back home before the meeting and run off a copy from my computer. I had intended to just drive the eight miles into Independence when I finished but I had to go home to run off that copy so I mostly left the upstairs at 10:30 and came back home to get those minutes. Then I drove back to Independence..15 miles instead. Oh well.

That meant I skipped lunch. It was three thirty before I went up to Sonic and bought the child's chicken strip dinner and had that for lunch. The only thing I had in the house for lunch was peanut butter and sliced cheese. I had the grilled cheese sandwich on Monday.

I watched Antique Roadshow and Frontline on PBS last night on TV. The Frontline program was about a group of infantry soldiers who were suffering from battle fatigue (PTST) and all the trouble they got into after coming home from the Iraq war. Several went to prison after killing American civilians after they got home and several had killed Iraqi civilians because they considered them less them human. War teaches our young people to kill but it doesn't teach them how to stop killing after they get back home. That was hard to watch. My oldest son is over there right now on his second deployment and my youngest son has had two deployments in Iraq and two in Afghanistan. War is a terrible thing. We need to take more time working things out peaceably and forget about going to war. Look at the thousands of young lives that have been completely ruined. Old men make war and the young fight for them.

We need to see those terrible things though and stop glorifying war. I believe it is men who glorify war. Women would think twice before sending their sons into war. War solves nothing. It simply creates more problems. Look at the hundreds of thousands of Iraqi innocent civilians that have died since this horrible war began ten years ago. If we don't get our young people out of there during the Obama administration, I will not vote for Obama again. That was the one promise he made that made me decide to vote for him.


marlu said...

I agree completely, Margie.

Margie's Musings said...

Thank you, Marlu. Few do. I appreciate your view too.