Saturday, September 1, 2012

Boring Saturday

I'm not sure what I will do this morning after breakfast with Bob. I hate to just stay home again. On the other hand, we are going to Joplin on Monday so I really don't need to go out of town again. I was just in Bartlesville on Thursday to take Juanita to the doctor. The only other place we went was to Dink's for barbeque for lunch. Then I took her home and came home to go to work. I know...I bore easily.

We have decided to go to Joplin today instead of Monday and I am glad. We will save our ribs until Monday. They are still thawing in the frig anyhow.

The Democrat's Convention begins on Monday. It will be interesting to see how Obama approaches the terrible criticism he received from the Republicans last week. If he is smart, he will stick to the issues and reveal his plans for the next four years and not try to answer all the many criticisms they rose, may of which were lies and misconceptions, as I learned by reading where the real facts were revealed. They will do the same thing for the Democrat's Convention. After all, many of those issues they rose with his presidency were caused by their complete lack of cooperation to allow him to get anything done. Their entire plan the past four years was to stalemate him. In my opinion, much of that is caused by hidden racism. To complete his plans, under those circumstances, he needs the Democrats to gain control of the house. That probably won't happen.

I watched much of the Republican Convention so I will watch this one too.

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