Sunday, February 10, 2019

Sunday and Church and Coffee Cake Today

I got up very early this morning.  I went to bed at 8:00PM. I was very tired after our trip and the dinner as well as the tour of the Price Tower. It was very interesting though and our guide seemed to know everything about it's history.

I have dressed and had my breakfast and am now ready to start the coffeecake. Bob and I alternate doing a coffee cake and his banana nut bread for the church school classes.  I am not sure what the weather is like today and I will drive the 17 miles or so to the church now. I am thinking it is just going to be cold and not icy.

I will get back to this after I get the coffee cake in the oven.

I have been looking through the file cabinet for my passport and have not been able to find it. Strange! One of these days I will just go through every file. I must have put it in a file I didn't mean to use for that. I have all the information I need to get a duplicate if I should ever need one again but I would like to find the original.  It worries me that I cannot find it in the file that is labeled "passport".

The coffeecake must be about done now. I had better get it out of the oven to cool and then I will ice it. I will leave here about 8:40AM this morning to drive over to church. I still have an hour and a half.

More later in the day...

We had a nice sized congregation this morning and afterward most of us went to Great China in Independence for lunch.

My brother-in-law told me he was ready to stop baking his banana nut bread so I plan to just do the coffee cake every week. I know he is tired of dealing with it. 

Afterward I came back to my apartment and did the newsletters and sent out three to those who are not online.

I plan to read this afternoon until 60 Minutes comes on at 6:00PM. I will take my bath at 7:00PM and try to stay up until 9:00PM when I plan to go on to bed.


Donna. W said...

I haven’t read your blog for awhile, and I’m curious. Didn’t you have an elderly cat? Is she still around? I was reading and wondering if the cat made the trip. And now I’m asking myself, “Are you SURE she is the one with a cat?”

Yeah, I’m crazy like that.

Margie's Musings said...

Yes, I had the elderly cat, Donna. She got very sick two weeks before Christmas and I had to have her put down. She could never have survived the surgery she needed. She had a large blockage in her throat. I was just sick about it. She would have been 16 years old next month.

Donna. W said...

Are you allowed to have a pet at your new home?