Sunday, November 29, 2020

Sunday and Once Again, Online Church

 I slept well last night although I did wake up several times in the night.  I have dressed and had my breakfast and coffee and am about to fix my Chai Latte.

I had stewed about that mess with the ice crusher. I was surprised I was able to sleep after that. That made me so disgusted. I hope I get the credit back on my Chase Amazon card.

This morning at 11:00AM, I will log onto the Ontario Canada site for their worship service. It's always very professionally done.

Today is my youngest son's 40th birthday. He doesn't look anywhere near 40. Mine is three days later on Wednesday, I will be 85. That doesn't seem possible either.

I hope to get the dusting done today. I have put it off long enough.

Right now I want to watch "The weather on the 8s" so back to this later...

I watched the weather and even fed the cats. I downloaded another free Amazon book and read most of the afternoon. I watched part of the Chief's football game and then watched 60Minutes and recorded it. The church service at Springfield came on an hour earlier and I switched over to it on Zoom. Then I read the rest of the evening until time for my bath at 7:00PM. Then I went on to bed at 8:30PM


Kay said...

You're lucky that neither one of you look your age. I'm always relieved when I get my rest too.

pat m said...

You were 45 when pregnant?

Margie's Musings said...

No, 24. Scott was born in 1960....three days before my 25th birthday