Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Tuesday and an Eye appointment

 I slept well last night and was up at 5:00AM. So far there are no cats out there but it's raining so I am not surprised. I did catch "the weather on the 8's".

Here it is...today is to be 36 degrees and snow showers, tomorrow is to be  49 degrees and sunny, Thursday is to be 57 degrees and  partly cloudy, Friday is to be  26 degrees and AM snow and wind, Saturday is to be 23 degrees and partly cloudy, Sunday is to be 10 degrees and snow showers, and Monday is to be 11 degrees and AM clouds and PM sun. That's the week! Some very cold weather and some snow too.

I will need to take cookies to the First Christian Church in Independence this morning about 9:30AM. Then this afternoon at 2:00PM, I have an appointment with Dr. Dobbins, my optometrist and that's in Coffeyville. 

More Later... 

I took the cookies up to Independence at  8:30AM..driving 30 miles an hour because of the snow and ice. That worked out fine.

Then I went back home and started reading a book I had read several years ago and seen and have the video.  Then I started for Coffeyville to Dr, Dobbins's office after I ate the fruit parley at Eggbert's there in Coffeyville.

Finally, After I got home,  Blondie came to eat. I took his food out to him and he ate it all.

I finished my last book this evening and I put it back in the book shelf. I had read it several times over the years but still enjoyed it again. It was The Bridges of Madison County. I also have the video but I really just wanted to re-read the book.

I will go to the library tomorrow and get two more books.

More Later,,,

I took my bath at 6:30PM and will go to bed at 9:00PM.


Donna. W said...

We have about four inches of snow, and it's still coming down.

Galla Creek said...

Hope you can stay in on those cold day.