Friday, October 16, 2009

This is the Day!

Today I packed for my weekend off at the retreat. Bob and I will go out to the church later this morning and run off the bulletins for Sunday. Bob is in charge. Karan will preach. She is one of our better preachers. We have Bob, myself, Karan, Sue, Leslie and Bill now. John R. has asked to be taken off the schedule as has Carletta D. They are both sick. John has Parkinson's Disease and Carletta has something I can't even begin to pronounce..let along spell. Myleo...something or the other. It's a form of cancer of the bone marrow. There's an entire family of these diseases. The bone marrow has stopped producing blood. She has a transfusion every so often and that has kept her going. Unfortunately this disease is fatal in the final analysis.

Anyhow, when either Bob and I are presiding or speaking, I do the does Leslie. That gives Phyllis F. a break. She is our only pianist and has enough to do. She also has a job.

I am looking forward to this retreat as an opportunity to spend some time away from my responsibilities. Leslie and I will go over to the Crackerbarrel and pick up John's rocker for their porch. I gave him the money for it for his birthday but they have not been to Joplin to get it since they have been working on their deck and patio.

Next weekend I will attend our Peace Colloquy at Independence, Missouri. Then the last weekend of the month, we have our "girls weekend away". For several years now, Leslie has taken a group of mothers and daughter to Branson to their timeshare.


Betty said...

Could the disease be Multiple Myeloma? My late ex-husband had that, as does Geraldine Ferraro. There is no known cure, but it's slow-moving. I'm sorry for her if she has it.

Sounds like you'll be having a nice weekend. "See" you when you get back.

Margie's Musings said...

No, it's a long word, Betty and it begins with myleo....