Friday, December 31, 2010

Very Busy Friday

I went to the market this morning and bought the few things I need for the week.

Ater that Bob A. called me to talk about putting Phyllis under hospice care. Her doctor had suggested it. I guess he will do it Monday. He talked to his daughter about it and she agreed it was the only thing to do under the circumstances.

Then I e-mailed the ministers in our alliance that I would not be able to be at the Thursday meeting. I got Fr. Jerry to take notes for me but he needed me to make the copies of the last meetings minutes, the agenda and the roll form. So I did that on my new computer. It took me awhile to find out how to use Windows 7. Then I printed off the necessary forms and took them to him.

I dropped by Cyndi's because she had some boxes for me. I was going to bring my stuff home from the mall. Starting tomorrow, they are going to add 10% to their charge for using the booth. I am not going to pay any more. I have only made money one month. The rest of the time, they have made all the money from the sale of my possessions.

Next I made a fast run home because Karan was going to pick me up at 2:00 to go out to church so we could take down all the Christmas decorations and put them away for the year. We started at 2:00 and finished at 3:30. Whew! What a job. There were five of us doing the work. No one else showed up.

Then I ran to the mall just in time to learn they were closing early this 4:00 instead of 5:00. So I quickly packed up some boxes of my stuff and then left. They wanted to close. I will run back up tomorrow to get the rest.

I stopped by Braums and bought a milk shake. I had not had time to eat anything all day.

I will go to my cousin's New Years Eve dinner/party tonight. I will have to put Slinky in the garage. I don't trust leaving him in the kitchen. I will probably come home fairly early since I am tired already. Then I will let Slinky back into the kitchen/utility room area for the night. It started out 60 degrees this morning and now it is 37 degrees. How I dread winter!


marlu said...

Margie, we had 68 yesterday with wind and right now it's 17 here in Hutch with a low expected of 9. The only good thing is that it may warm up later in the week into the 40's.

Happy New Year! I enjoy your blog.

ChuckFu said...

Happy New Years Mom, been pretty cold here, one of Esthers friends mom died this morning, so Esther is with her right now, I will see her later tonite

Margie's Musings said...

That's too bad Keith. It's a bad time to die around the holidays. From that time on, they will probably associate New Years' Eve with that death.

And thanks, Marlu. I will check into yours.