I let Slinky out to do his number but he was ready to come right back in. As I did yesterday, I pulled his rug into the dining room and let him soak up some sun here in the house. He wanted to go out and I let him out but after about 30 minutes he must have been thoroughly cold through and through. He barked to get back in.
At 9:30 I put him in the garage. The temp there was about 41 degrees...plenty cold yet not bone chilling. I went to Independence to get my hair done. While I was up there, I went to Wal Mart and bought a few things. When I got home and pulled into the drive, he began to bark. He wanted out to the back yard. He came right back in though. He's at loose ends now. He goes in the dining room and lays in the sun for awhile and then goes back in the utility room and drinks water. Then he barks to get back out. He doesn't know quite what to do with himself. I'm sure he is bored because I am. I am ready for spring and winter is barely here.
In the photo above, if you look carefully, you can see Slinky's footprints in the snow. He is the only one that's been out there since Monday.
Tomorrow I will go to Cherryvale to meet Gay for lunch. That's always fun. Slinky will probably be left in the garage again.
Saturday evening I am going to Howard and Judy's for a covered dish dinner. At this point, there will be eight of us.
I drove by the church this morning and the parking lot has had a lot of traffic in it and it is accessible. So unless something unforeseen happens, we will hold church.
Sunday evening is "Living the Questions" group at Maritt's home.
Next week is busy too. But I'll get into that later.
About my eyelid. It seems to be fairly healed. I can see no stitches so I assume they have dissolved. The lid is still swollen some but nothing terrible at all. All in all, it seems to have done well.
Glad your eyelid is doing well!
The potato soup was good. I made it in the slow cooker with lots of onion, some carrots and celery. The recipe was from a slow cooking blog. we've had 1 degree temperature night before last. 'm still staying inside!
I love potato soup! Yum!!
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