There's snow on the ground but I don't know how much yet. It isn't light yet. Yesterday was a stay at home day except for a quick trip out after the snow plows came by. I had sold two more books on Amazon and needed to get packaging at Dollar General and go to the post office to send them off. I got that done and then came back home to hole up for the rest of the day. I read in my Kindle much of the day.
Slinky slept off and on all day. He went out to do his thing every once in awhile but then came rushing back into the nice warm kitchen. Missy stayed in too.
Today, if the roads are passable we will have our coffee at the new coffee shop downtown. I'll know more after the sun comes up.
Luckily, the MC3 meeting was rescheduled too.
Slinky woke me up around 3:00 needing to get out. Missy also woke me up but then she decided she did not want to go out when she saw all that snow.
I finally got up at 5:00 or a little after and fed the dog. I still haven't fed the cats. I probably should get that done. Inky, the outside cat, may be out there waiting in the 13 degree weather.
More later...
Well, I got the cats fed too. Slinky lay around for three or four hours and then informed me that he wanted to go out (The sun is shining although it's only 20 degrees on the patio). He loves to soak up the sunshine. That's where he is now.
If Marilyn gets back in time, I will pick up Judy and meet her at the coffee shop. Marilyn has taken Jack to the hospital to do his exercises. She will call when they get back. I want to see this coffee shop.
More later...
Judy's garage door opener man came and fixed their garage door. The chain was broken. She came and picked me up. We went to the coffee shop where we met Marilyn and then we went to lunch at Eggberts and had a nice lunch. I got back about 2:30. It was fun and we will do it again in two weeks on Monday.(depending, of course, on the weather)
When I got home I let Slinky back in. He had been out since almost 11:00 and must have been cold although he soon wanted back out in the sunshine. In a few minutes though, he changed his mind. I think he wanted company this time worse then he wanted the sunshine.
As you can see by the photo above, the snow has begun to melt, which is fine by me. But it's supposed to be even colder tonight. I hope my water doesn't freeze in the ice maker on the frig. I still have the heat lamp on the line in the garage.
Well, shoot, I thought that heat lamp was out there for Slinky!
That too...but I am more concerned about freezing pipes. Slinky spends very little time in the garage. :)
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