Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Back To Work

Today I go back to work. I had yesterday off to get my hair done, go to my doctor's appointment and hold the class reunion planning meeting as well as attend the church's Valentine dinner. It was a busy day.

Probably the most interesting part of all this was my doctor's appointment. My blood pressure was 168/83 and the doctor put me back on a blood pressure pill. Instead of 25 mg though, he is having me cut the pill in half. He wants me to drop into his office in two weeks to see how it is working. Then he wants me to come back to see him in one month so he can evaluate whether that is enough or if it does what it did before when Melissa had me on it and brought my blood pressure way down way too low.

He also wants me to have a mamography. The last one I had was 10 years ago. They hurt me so bad I swore I would never have another. He says they have changed the technology and they no longer hurt folks trying to get the breast flat. We'll see. My appointment at the hospital is March 9th at 11:00. Then he wants me to have a colonoscopy. The last one of those I had was without anesthetic and it hurt so badly that I swore never again for that too. I told him I'd wait to do that until I found out how "painless" the mamography was.

I got home in time to have my meeting.

Later Bob A. picked up Phyllis F. and me and we drove to Cherryvale to "Just Us" for the Valentine dinner. There were 17 of us. We had a very good dinner and got home about 8:30.

I missed the library board meeting because of the conflict in the schedule.


Betty said...

Why is it that every time we see a new doctor, he wants to do a whole raft of tests, whether there are any symptoms or not? Seems this happens particularly with older patients. You went there for one reason, right? To get a refill for thyroid meds? I see another big bill going to Medicare. (Cynical, ain't I?)

Margie's Musings said...

Yes, and I agree with you. Personally, I don't want a mamography or a colonoscopy. I worked seven years in a dental office and took many x-rays without adequate protection. I don't need more.