Then after Bob A. brought me home, I worked in my flowerbeds a couple of hours and got all the leaves and weeds out of them and got them ready to mulch again. I am really tired now. I don't know if I can get the energy up to mulch them today or not. We'll see after I rest awhile. Maybe I can get up the energy.
I went to Braums last evening and bought milk, orange juice and bananas and tonight I will have another of my smoothies for supper. They fill me up and are healthy.
I work tomorrow. I have a lot to do tomorrow. I am going to go though all the microfilm and make sure all the files I want to destroy are on the microfilm. That will take me forever. If they are not on microfilm, I will have Faye scan them. They have to be either on microfilm or scanned before they can be destroyed.
I am rested some now. I guess I will go out there and drag another of those bags of mulch over to the shed and start with that flowerbed.
More later...
Well I got that shed flowerbed mulched and ran out of mulch. But I took the mulch bag and cleaned out the leaves in the small flowerbed next to my mailbox. The trash pick up man will really be surprised when he sees my trash bin tomorrow. I hope he takes it all. It will take another two bags of mulch to finish the flowerbed next to the fence. I'll have to get that later. I work tomorrow and it's supposed to rain Yuesday. I will have Thursday off this week but I have a hair appointment that morning at ten and the alliance meeting at noon. I probably will have to finish later. The two photos of the finished flowerbed after mulching are at the top of this blog. Those down further were taken after I finished the weeding and cleanup.
You must have been full of energy this weekend. Your flower beds look so neat and ready for spring.
I hope so, Balisha. As soon as the bulbs are finished..some time the last of April, I will go buy bedding plants and plant flowers in among them for color all summer. I also want to buy hanging baskets again this year.
One of the primary reasons why I don't put my house on the market are my flower beds. I love the way the house looks when everything is in bloom. I still have a lot to do. I still need to clean up the front yard.
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