Sunday, June 30, 2013

A Much Better Night

Last night I slept really well and with no arm pain! I hope I have seen the last of that. I wonder if it's the new blood pressure pill that finally kicked in. Time will tell.

I had another turn down for the primary class teacher yesterday but I heard from Melissa that she is preparing to teach it and has the material together for it. I still have one more inquiry out for it but at least it's covered in case that one falls through too.

Missy, my cat, also seems to be doing a little better. Maybe we will both whip our problems at the same time. That would be good after all this time.

I am waiting for Bob to be ready for church. It will be another thirty minutes before we leave. I need to run off the bulletins after we get there.

Leslie called yesterday and invited me to a cookout at their place on the 4th. I am to fix my potato salad. I will get potatoes at the market this week and make it on Wednesday so I can leave it overnight in the frig. It's always better when it has a chance for the flavors to mix.

Scott called yesterday too. He told me about his daughter Ashley's new car. He is paying for it. He is also paying for her health insurance. He is doing his part to get her through college and through graduate school. She is holding down two jobs herself. She wants to be a surgeon.

More later...

I went to lunch with Leslie, John, the great granddaughters, Cyndi, Jeff, Karan, and Bobby. Afterward I came home and did my letters and then took a nap. Bob called later to see if I wanted to go with Tony and Diana and him to supper. I told him I had had a big lunch and had better not. I did walk down to the Dollar General store and buy some shampoo and some bubble bath. Tony and Diana will be leaving for Wisconsin in the morning.

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