Thursday, January 2, 2014

A Little Snow

We got a little snow last night but not enough to worry about. It's just a thin coating. However, I was startled to see that some animal, probably a cat, walked round on my patio last night. It's footprints are in the snow. That alarms me a bit. I have been letting Missy out for a bit every morning and now I know there's a strange cat or animal of some sort out there and I will not let her out anymore unless I go out with her.  She's not happy with that decision but I don't care. She went through entirely too much trauma last spring.

I slept well last night. In fact, I didn't get up until almost 6:00. That's unusual for me. Bob just called to make sure I am alright.  He slept well last night too. We will both probably stay inside today. I intend to clean.  I got my sweeper back this week so I no longer have an excuse.

I took our rent checks down to the landlord yesterday. He has been feeling really bad lately.    He is 93 and everything hurts anymore. He had a bad experience over the holiday. he had gone to the new doctor after he fell and broke some ribs and wanted to be checked out. They doctor took him off some medication his previous doctor had prescribed and afterward, he felt terrible. His son looked the medication up on the internet and found that that particular medication is not supposed to be abruptly stopped. It is very dangerous to do so and can even cause death. The last time I spoke to him yesterday he was going to go back to the doctor today and take a copy of the article with him. That's just another case of physician error that can cause death.

My niece used to sell pharmaceuticals and she said doctors depend on the salesperson to tell them all that information. They don't think they have the time to research each medication they prescribe. That's so dangerous. Plus, as I have said before, I consider hospitals and doctor's offices  very dangerous places to be. There's just so much chance for error and exposure to disease and illness.

We're having chicken tenders, mashed potatoes and gravy, veggies and salad today for lunch/dinner.  I read in that latest Consumer's Report magazine that they tested several brands of chicken and found every one of them had dangerous bacteria on them.  Each one also had some antibiotic resistant bacteria on them. The chicken needs to be thoroughly cooked to kill that bacteria.  The resistance is caused by the people who raise chicken s. According to the article, they discovered that if they gave their chickens antibiotics  they grew much bigger and fatter and brought more money and therefore more profit.  So they disregard the problems caused to consumers and concentrate on profit. Capitalism!  It's greed driven.

That alarmed me a bit and yet I cook only with frozen chicken tenders and canned boned chicken. I wonder if the frozen chicken is dangerous too? I will be sure to cook it thoroughly today. 

Last year, I visited a woman in the hospital here locally who had eaten an undercooked hamburger at the local McDonald's and developed e-coli. She had been sick and in and out of hospitals for the better part of a year. Every time the doctors thought they had it cleared up and sent her home, the symptoms came back. She was terribly ill and had been in three different hospitals.  I don't know if she ever recovered. They transferred her to Kansas City Medical Center from our hospital and I lost track of her. 

It appears to be a dangerous world we live in anymore.

More later....



Balisha said...

I was surprised to find out that you shouldn't wash raw chicken before cooking. Washing it only spreads the bacteria around the kitchen. Always wash your hands with soap after handling raw chicken.
Who'd have ever thought that it would come down to this... when using chicken. I remember neighbors killing a chicken and then cooking it and eating it the same day. No one had to worry about our food supply being contaminated.
I love hearing about your meals....sometimes it gives me ideas about what to fix :)

Margie's Musings said...

Balisha, I watch other blogs for ideas myself.

Thanks Oman, for visiting.

Betty said...

We can blame all the growth hormones that are pumped into chickens, I suppose. All meats may be dangerous because of that, too. How would we know?

Margie's Musings said...

It's the antibiotics I am more concerned with, Betty. According to Consumers Report that's why the chickens grow so large.