Sunday, January 12, 2014

Update On Bob

I went over to the hospital this morning to see how Bob's night went. He got very little sleep because, of course, in a hospital they come in every once in a while and wake you up to take your vital signs.  However, he was feeling pretty well. In fact, well enough to want to go home. Of course that isn't going to happen until he's had the tests the doctor wants.  They also put him on Coumadin yesterday to thin his blood.  They don't want him to develop a clot and have a stroke. I came back home when they came in to tell him he could take a shower.  He was anxious to take a shower. :)

I'll go back up after lunch and check on him again.

So..more later...

I went back after lunch and he was doing fine. He's bored and wants to go home.  I took him a book. His daughter, Denise was there. She had stayed all morning so she went on back home. She has an invalid husband that she cares for at home. he can get around but is partly paralyzed and kind of unstable on his feet.

I took him the Sunday paper and then left about five to come home and get ready for the Living the Questions group. There were ten of us tonight. We voted to stay with the DVDs and not do printed material. Some of the group do not like to read. They are more visual learners.

I served the cake I had frozen last week and it turned out fine. I put ice cream on it too. Then I sent the rest of the cake home with the group. I sure didn't want it here where it might tempt me.   I saved a piece for Bob when he gets back to his home from the hospital.

It took me awhile to get the kitchen cleaned up after they all left.


Sylvia K said...

Hope Bob is doing better! So sorry to read about his being in the hospital!! Take care. Sending good thoughts to you both.

Balisha said...

Look what happens when I miss a day of reading your blog. Poor Bob and how worried you must have been. I'm sending up healing prayers for him and will continue.
Take care, are in my prayers too.

clairz said...

Sounds like things are going well. I hope that Bob gets home soon and everything gets back to normal for you both.

Margie's Musings said...

Today should be his last day there. They are doing an ultrasound today and then they may release him. He has a hole in the valve going into one of the chambers of the heart. They want to see if it has become larger.