Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Wednesday and Exercises Again

We didn't have exercise class on Monday because of Martin Luther King Day but we are back to it today. Then I will fix chicken tetrazzini for lunch. We will have a veggie and Bob will bring a salad.  I have lemon cupcakes for dessert.

He brought popcorn for our TV viewing last night and we had our usual small glass of wine.  We drink a red wine called Roscato. It's an Italian wine. We discovered it at Branson and have been buying it ever since. We take turns. It's only a little over $11.00 with the tax but we both like it. And red wine is better for you too. 

We watched several episodes of The Big Bang Theory and then he left at 8:00. I changed to PBS and watched a special on the author of The Catcher in the Rye, J.D. Salinger.   It was interesting. The author was a very troubled man. He had seen some horrendous things as the war ended and he helped to liberate the concentration camps. He really never recovered.

I don't know what's on the agenda today. I went to Wal Mart here yesterday and bought the few groceries I needed. The most important thing was litter for Missy and cat food. Everything else was incidentals. :) Even at that, I managed to spend over $30.00. It's amazing.

More later....

I stayed home most of the day after the exercise class and our trip to Utopia for coffee.It was very cold.  I made our chicken tetrazzini  and fixed some veggies and we had a good dinner/lunch. I sent some of it home with Bob. I am thawing the lasagna from a couple of weeks ago. I will fix some additional meat sauce for it after it is thawed.  It was a little thin when I fixed it before.  Bob will bring another salad. We will have some more of the cupcakes for dessert.

It will be even colder tomorrow. It's supposed to be 7 degrees tomorrow.  I intend to stay in. My electric bill will be  very high this month. We have had some very cold weather. This has been a very strange winter for Kansas.

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