Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Cake Tuesday

This is the day we take cakes to Independence and everyone forgot except Bob and me. He remembered because he was over here for lunch and saw my cake mix. I only baked one this week instead of two. I could never find the pans in stock at the market and  I only had one pan. Bob got his baked and I texted Karan this morning  and she is baking one now. Phyllis forgot too. I am not going to trouble her with a reminder. It was not on the bulletin this week and I figured that this would be a problem. Perhaps it's time to give up this service. Everyone seems to have lost interest in it.  And I am tired of being the watchdog.

I did not sleep well last night. I am troubled by not having all the camp staff together yet and also by the sale of the apartment complex. Betty said there would be no changes but already we are having to drag our own trash barrels out to the curb. There's a 35 mile per hour wind out there too. Let's face it. I got spoiled letting Wayne and Merrill do it.   I have four bags of leaves and two bags of trash. And I don't have a trash barrel. Marilyn has one and Bob and Jeannie have one but mine is not a regulation trash barrel so I will have to carry my two trash bags and four leaf bags over across the street to Bob's or Marilyn's when it gets light.

Changes! I am not very good at dealing with them.

More later...

Merrill took our trash carts to the curb this time. I guess Bob and I will do it next week. The agency that is managing this property is in Independence so I don't know what to expect from them about mowing, etc.

Bob came over this evening and we  watched some TV and had a small glass of wine and coffeecake but he went home early about 7:00 because all the Big Bang Theory episodes were recent reruns and we were not interested in seeing those again so soon.

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