Friday, December 5, 2014

Another Busy Friday

I slept well last night.  I didn't have a chance to blog yesterday at all. I was still busy up to the time I went to work and continued to work after I got home.  It was a huge day.

Bob came over Thursday at 10:30 to do laundry. I was vacuuming. Later I fixed hamburgers and french fries for our lunch. We had the pie I brought home from Leslie's for dessert. 

I will have another big day today. The student, Paula, and I were putting away DVD's day before yesterday and then putting the cases in the bookshelves and one of the regular employees dumped a stack on full DVDs right where we were working and right on top of the empty ones we had just finished. We tried to separate them after she left but we evidently missed some because yesterday Elaine called to my attention that they had found some cases on the shelves that were still full.  I didn't bother to explain. No sense alienating employees I have to work with.

I unpacked the old high school annuals I was to put on shelves and got them in proper order on the shelves. That took a lot of time. I had to open about ten boxes to do that and first dust the shelving. That back room is a terrible mess. I guess that's because of all the redecorating they have done. Perhaps they will eventually get that organized.

Later I did some more shelf reading too.

I finished laminating the recipes for their recipe book and cut them to size then put them in the proper order. Today Katie is bring the hole punch and she wants me to punch the holes to finish putting them together.

I was  exhausted when I got home.  Bob came over for wine and he left at 7:00 and I took my bath and tried to stay up until 9:00. I gave up at 8:30 and went to bed.

Today we will have tuna cakes and fried potatoes with a veggie for lunch. Bob will bring a salad. I will fix some pudding for dessert and we will have some more of the cookies.

Tomorrow I will pick up Leslie and attend the Christmas arts and crafts exhibit and sale in Independence that is held in the historical museum.  Afterward I will take her home and go to Bartlesville to have lunch with Myra.

More later about today.

Another huge day...mostly shelf reading though. Very, very tiring.


Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

oh that arts and crafts exhibit sounds fun!!

Margie's Musings said...

It was, Deb. And there were three different locations. We had a good time!