Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Wednesday and Bob's Bartlesville Doctor Appointment

Bob has an early doctor's appointment this morning and I am going with him. There will be three pages of update on his medical records and he needs someone to write for him. He struggles with his essential tremor.  So the appointment is early...8:40, I think, and we will leave here about 7:30.  Bartlesville is an hour's drive away.

I put a roast in the slow cooker this morning and it should be done by lunch time. I will add the potatoes and carrots when we get back from Bartlesville.  Bob still has fresh salad in the frig so all we'll need is a dessert of some kind. I may just make pudding since I still have cookies.

I slept well last night. I went to bed at 9:00 since I kept falling asleep in the recliner while I tried to watch TV.  I woke up twice but got right back to sleep. I got up shortly before 5:00 AM.

More later....

I scanned an entire aisle (both sides) of books today at the library. It was an exhausting experience.  I got home about 5:15 and Bob had brought me over some banana nut bread. I had some of it with my chi latte this evening. 

I took my bath about 7:00 and Missy and I tried to watch TV but I kept falling asleep.  I wanted to watch the story on PBS about how the wolf was domesticated into the dog. I saw about half of it before I fell asleep in the recliner with that fat warm cat in my lap.  At 9:00, I went on to bed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That was quite a Wednesday for you. But I think Bob’s appointment was the most nerve-wrecking, because he was struggling with his essential tremor. I hope the doctor was able to treat the problem then. How is he now, btw?

Clifford Daniel @ HealthJump